
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"I'm on a boat!"

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! We got to go to The Ruckart's lake house in Smithville, TN and go out on Center Hill lake for the weekend! It was so fun and the Ruckart's were so nice to let us stay in their beautiful house! We had so much fun, got a little sun, and of course got to tube! Jonas' "Golden" bday was yesterday. 25 on the 25th! So we gott o come home and celebrate as well as celebrate on the lake! Hope we get to go back!

The whole crew...

Chad and our sweet hostess...

Lunch on the dock at hurricanes

About to go tubing

First time on a wave runner since age 13

The West's

Love yall!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Thursday Smile

Brian & Eileen's Wedding Music Video. from LOCKDOWN projects on Vimeo.

This made me smile today and i hope it does you too...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday Surprise (part 2) Chi Town!!!

Saturday am we woke up and headed off for our secret destination which jonas still did not know of. We stopped to get gas for "our long drive" and i asked jonas to get the directions out of the glove box for me. In the glove box was his cubs hat and big league chew,not tobacco but the baseball chewing gum :).

He thought we were driving to ATL for a cubs braves game, but nope we were flyin to Chicago baby!

Got to Chitown a little before 10 am and got on the train to go downtown.

Walked around downtown for a little bit...

Got to Wrigleyville and little did he know that a another surprise was waiting on him...

Gav and Margaret had come to surprise him as well for the cubs game and we had a great time! It was freezing in the stands but we loved it!

After the game we went to where else but Giardanos for some Chicago style pizza...and ate about our weeks worth of calories in cheese. :)

Then we left Gav and Marg and headed home. It was an incredible day!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

B & P

A couple of weekends ago me and Jonas got to go spend a little while with the newest members of our family, Benjamin and Peyton. They are the cutest little boogers and oh so tiny...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Saturday Surprise (part 1)

So May 25th is Jonas' big 2-5 birthday, but we are celebrating a wee bit early on saturday. I have planned a whole day activity for jonipoo and myself and i cannot WAIT to tell him where we are going. He is hopefully going to like it. A few of you know where and what we are doing, but for those of you who do not you will have to stay tuned.... :)


Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Friday night we had mom and dad, and Joe and Debbie over for a mother's day meal! Joe and Deb were going to the beach the next day so we knew we wouldnt get to see them on Mother's day and wanted to celebrate with both of our moms together. We had a great time with them and enjoyed having both sides of our families together to celebrate Brenda and Debbie! We love you both!

Dream a Little Dream

So, I woke up this morning to Stoney's morning ritual of licking my face attempting to wake me up so he could go outside and pee. As i stumbled outside onto our porch for my own morning ritual of watching him run in circles and then finally squatting to relieve himself, i sat there trying to wake up and starting thinking about my dreams i had last night. Come to remember that i had a nice little dream that involved me, jonas, and stoney going over to our friend, Dillon's house, to hide out from Michael Myers (who in my dream was Sandra Bullock) who was stalking me and trying to kill me. But never fear my cop friend, Gene Hackman,was camping out at our house ready to take on Sandra Bullock when she arrived to kill me. Me, jonas, and stoney fell asleep at Dillon's house in a king sized water bed with Snoopy sheets laughing histerically at this Family Guy scene. And then i woke up...what is wrong with me?