
Friday, February 25, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Look Who's 1

This past weekend we celebrated this little girl's FIRST birthday!

I can not believe that she is already one! It got here so fast and its even weirder because I remember when Avery was born, Brooklyn was just starting to sit up and we said that at Brooklyn's first birthday that avery would be doing that. And she is...its so weird how fast time flys once you have a kid. It's bittersweet really.

The party was so fun and Ash did an amazing job on everything! Enjoy the pictures!!

Duckie bath tub doubled as a juice cooler

Yay for the first year of life Brookie boo!
We love you and are so happy you and your parents survived the first year! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Big 'F' Weekend

Ok, so i hope you don't take my title of today's post in a bad way. Let me clarify that the reason for the title is because a lot of our friends have a last name ending in 'F' just like us. {Fuson, French, Faison...} So when we do stuff with these couples we call it {on our end} the big 'F' weekend. Ok so let's face it, almost every week we have a 'F' night with our favorite Uncle/Aunt Fuson but we just dont document those with as many pictures. Now sometimes we probably play into the funnyness of the way it sounds to say this, but it's the truth too. :)

So anywho... a few weekends ago we have some of our favorite Birmingham people up to visit. Brittany and Andin came up on a Friday and stayed with us for a chilled out/relaxing weekend. We had Avie spend a night with the grandparents so that we could spend some quality time with our friends and not have to worry about baby stuff. So thankfully Joe and Deb kept her for us and we got to take Britt and Andin to some of the cool places here in Nashville. It was so nice to be able to relax with old friends and not have to have Avery in the back of my mind. Hope that doesn't sound bad..cause of course i still thought about her but you know what i mean.Right? Hope so.

Here's what we did on our 'F' weekend 'O fun...

Here is Miss A in our car ride to the Loveless Cafe. Andin had never tasted their biscuits...that sounded bad didn't it? Well he really hadn't so we went there first and waited an hour to eat. True story but well worth it :)

Me, Fanch, and Avie

Avie forgot her shades so she borrowed Aunt Fanch's

Uncle A with Avie

Auntie Fanch and Avie

The Frid's and The Faison's

Next stop was Joe and Deb's for the baby sitting

And last but not least...the Yazoo Brew tour. If you have never done need to! It is a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. Especially if you have guests in town because it cost like $6 a person and you get a Yazoo cup to take on your tour. You get to walk around the brewery with a tourguide and they let you taste a bunch of their different beers while explaining the process to you.

Not sure who this was suppossed to be but apparently i thought he needed a friend.

We loved having you guys here and can't wait for you to come back! You made our month by giving us a fun and relaxed weekend with friends!!! Love you guys!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day with the one/ones they love!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

6 months

Holy cow i can't believe i am writing a 6th month blog post. This is SO weird and too fast! Life needs to slow down!

In the moments when Avery is tired and grumpy it can feel like longer than 6 months, but for the most part it blows my mind that she can be 6 months old. I remember in the beginning when we were all still trying to figure each other out that when Avery would cry after we did a certain thing, when she wasn't showing interest in her play mat, or when she hated tummy time, I would think "Oh crap this child is going to be like this forever" but man do they change. It's also fun to watch her learn things as she plays with her toys, and watch her become so entranced by something that she just can't stop looking at it or talking to it.

Avery in your sixth month you have done the following:

  • You love your toes
  • You squirm and move everywhere
  • You are exploring your crib and love to touch the birds and trees on your bumper pads
  • You have found your tongue and love sticking it out
  • No teeth yet {although we have blamed your moodiness at times on teething}
  • You drool alot. Especially when you are really focused on something
  • You hate being rubbed down with vasoline at night for your exzema
  • You LOVE bath time
  • You like to turn the pages and chew on your books
  • If you are ever in a bad mood, singing is the one thing that makes you immediately smile
  • You can be sidetracked by new things that you havn't seen which is a huge help to mommy :)
  • You are a good eater {your favorites are bananas, carrots, squash, and apples}
  • You talk non stop
  • You are rolling over like a champ
  • And you still love Stoney more than anything

 Beginning to learn how to sit up

 Loves her tongue

 Happy 6 Months stinker!

Oh, and as a sidenote we need to send a birthday shout out to cousin Brooklyn! She is 1 year today! We love you Brookie Boo!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

{DIY} coffee table

So i have been wracking my brain lately of things that i can make/take something and transform it into something else, and i came up with an idea for a coffee table. I had seen this on another blog awhile back and thought i would give it a try...

This little steal i found on Craigslist...

will become this...

or something like it.

Now you may be thinkin..."Crazy, why aren't you just buying one instead of doing all this."Well friends, these bad boys cost WAY more than i can/want to spend on a stinkin coffee table, so im trying this route. We'll not sure what fabric to use yet, and i think im going to put button tufts on top but thats a BIG maybe. Depends on if i can figure out how to do that. :)

stay tuned...not sure when im going to find time to do it so this could be interesting.