
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jesse and Levi

Jeremiah 29:11-12

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you."

So I know that many of us have heard this verse, but read it again and focus on the promise that the LORD promises us. He promises us a future and hope. His plans are not to harm us. He also promises us that we WILL find him if we seek him with our whole heart, our entire being. I have read and read this verse so many times throughout my childhood, as well as probly memorize for some test at school...thank you Coach Bostic...But this verse has really hit home this past year. I know many of you know about my family and what all has hit us this past year starting I guess with me getting married followed by my grandmother and grandfather passing away, Jonas and I changing jobs, moving to Nashville, and Matt graduating and starting residency. However, one of the most life/spiritual changing events that happened one was the birth of my nephews, Jesse and Levi. They were born November 24th '07 and they were 3 months premature. Over the course of 3-4 months they both went through numerous surgeries, some scary and some minor, but all overwhelmingly nerve-wracking. They are now at home with Brian and Rochelle and being loved on by many and prayed for by thousands. Even through all the craziness our family was never alone. Whether it was through a friend, who was there to pray with us or give us food or the Lord himself comforting us and showing us His ever present hand in our lives. It is a weird feeling, but it has been like over the course of the past 10-12 months, we have felt the Lord's supernatural presence in our lives and we see Him move and direct us in every decision.

Jesse and Levi are probly the sweetest and happiest babies I have ever been around. (not that I am biased at all) :) And to just be able to see how God has blessed them and raised them is a testimony in and of it-self. Even after all the surgeries and craziness that surrounded their lives in the beginning, they are still peaceful and full of life.

This Sunday, Jesse and Levi are being dedicated at church and we are so excited and overtaken by joy that they are here amongst us and able to enjoy life as healthy and loved baby boys. Thank you to all who have prayed continuously for them, you will never know how much of a roll you have played in their lives!



  1. Hi Em! I love your blog! I will be thinking about you and your family on this special weekend. What a huge praise that Jessie and Levi are doing so well. Please tell your entire family that I love them and pray that Sunday will be a special day full of rejoicing at what God has done in your lives. Tell Ash hi for me. Love,

  2. so cute! they really are precious! and we all knwo how i feel about babies!!! hahaha please put up pics of there dedication em!
