
Monday, November 10, 2008

Destin Weekend

So the long awaited wedding weekend in Destin for Megs and Ricky was this past weekend, and oh what a weekend! When our "college" friend group gets together it is nothing short of crazy! We have so much fun together and love to catch up and laugh about old times.This weekend included quotes such as:
"Don't make me go Mavericky on you..."
-Dana Herring-
"Let's just see where the night takes us..."
"Say Amen....Amen"
-Presby Preacher-
"Stop making me laugh, it makes my zit hurt!"
"I don't understand girls"
-My hubby :)
"Hey Em, Give me your cheese!!"
and of course...
Me: "I love buttery nipple shots!"
Bird: "That's what she said..."

Here are some pictures of my beautiful girls...

And of course it was nice to be able to hang out with my Romi and her boyfriend, Justin! Jonas had never met Justin and needless to say they hit it off and i think that Jonas was sad when Justin had to leave the reception early. :)

And what would be a beach trip without an attempt to take a cute "beach" picture...however we quasi failed on the cute part due to lack of makeup and showers :)

1 comment:

  1. em....i love you. let's try not to live apart much longer, okay? okay.

    and i can see russia from my rental house.
