
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

One Year Later...

Jesse and Levi turned 1 yesterday and we could not be more thankful for God's faithfulness! Wanted everyone to see some pictures from their birthday dinner and see how big they are getting. They had fun looking at their cake and of course playing with the wrapping paper...who needs gifts right? They got lots of cute clothes and toys from friends and family. I will post a video as soon as i get it. Thank you all for thinking of them yesterday and for all your support throughout this past year!

Loving their GIANT cupcake that somewhat looks like a big mountain instead of cupcake

Jesse would rather eat his hands! He loves his birthday hat!

Paparazzi and BeBe with the birthday boys!

Jesse and his birthday moose from Rhetta and Judy!

Me and Jesse posing for Paparazzi

We love our nephews! If only we could have babies this good.

"Are we suppossed to blow this out? You do it brother, i dont want to..."

"I'll do it, gimme!"

Uncle Jonas and Levi

Jesse with his gift from Joe and Debbie! We love our red jackets!!!


  1. haha - seriously? we are the same person, check out my blog.

  2. oh they are so cute!!! I'm so glad you guys got to celebrate their birthday with them! how fun!
