
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Benj and Peyton (Part 2)

Little update....the boys had a little trouble with their breathing at first so i think they are gettin a little bit of help with that, but other than that they are perfect! D'Arcy gets to go home today i think. Here are some more pictures of the cute little peanuts!

Congrats Wes and D'Arcy!!!

More twins!!! Wes and D'Arcy went in at 12 last night to Baptist and D'Arc was already dialted to 5cm. She got her epidural(because come on those cant come soon enough)and waited with Wes and family until about 5:30 this morning and had Benjamin Richard and Peyton Wade who weighed in at 5.5 and 5.7 lbs!! She was only in labor for about 20 minutes, the babies are perfect and so is D'Arc! Needless to say Wes had some complications but other than that everything is great! She is a baby machine!!! We are so excited for you guys! Love you!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Celebrating Matt's Freedom (part one)

Having tons of fun in Perdido with Ash and Matt!!! More to come later :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

Hope everyone had a good and relaxing Easter weekend! Here are some pics from ours. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Completely Free

Broken and poured out for the love of His creation
God paid a debt that He didn't owe
Bearing my pain for not one was His equal
And wearing my shame so that I could know him

He gave us all He had to give
So that we could truly live
So let's give all we have to Him
So that we can be completely free

And as they placed the thorns on His brow
As they drove the nails into His hands and His feet
He looked past the moment
To where we are now
And gave us the victory
From what seemed His defeat

He said here's my body
It's broken in two
Here is my blood let it cover you
All that I have is now yours to receive
Payment in full so that you could be free

Oh without a doubt completely
So that we can be completely free

I love these lyrics. This was the song that was played in Me and Jonas' wedding during our first communion as husband and wife, so needless to say it has a connection with my heart due to that, but the lyrics that are put so simply remind me today of the sacrifice, the true love, and freedom that the cross brings to us. Like Bird said in her blog today, "Because of this day, we as sinners, are able to receive grace, mercy, and salvation. Pretty freakin' awesome." I concur...pretty awesome. The cross = freedom. Freedom in Christ to be yourself and receive his grace that covers you.


Friday, April 3, 2009

El & Cherry + 1

HOLY COW!! I am so glad i can finally post something about this! Some of our very best friends are pregnant and needless to say me and Jonas have been flipping out with excitement! Last friday, we were celebrating Matt West's amazing recovery, WOOHOO!, and then at the end of the meal Cherry and Elliott decide to spring on us that not only is Cherry pregnant but she is like 11 weeks along!!! Me and Aubrey didnt know what to say, actually we didnt believe them for about 5 minutes, but then we got crazy excited and were flipping out. Jonas on the other hand, had a little hard time handling the news, but after another beer and a night of sleep Jonas was ok. :) We went back to their house and saw the little peanut on the sonogram photos and realised it was official! We are so excited for this little one to be coming into the world in October and ae so excited for El and Cherry! Congrats guys we love you 3!!! Here are some pictures, complements of Aubs, from the night we found out.

I promise Jonas is more excited than this, this was pre night of sleep to think about it all.