
Friday, April 3, 2009

El & Cherry + 1

HOLY COW!! I am so glad i can finally post something about this! Some of our very best friends are pregnant and needless to say me and Jonas have been flipping out with excitement! Last friday, we were celebrating Matt West's amazing recovery, WOOHOO!, and then at the end of the meal Cherry and Elliott decide to spring on us that not only is Cherry pregnant but she is like 11 weeks along!!! Me and Aubrey didnt know what to say, actually we didnt believe them for about 5 minutes, but then we got crazy excited and were flipping out. Jonas on the other hand, had a little hard time handling the news, but after another beer and a night of sleep Jonas was ok. :) We went back to their house and saw the little peanut on the sonogram photos and realised it was official! We are so excited for this little one to be coming into the world in October and ae so excited for El and Cherry! Congrats guys we love you 3!!! Here are some pictures, complements of Aubs, from the night we found out.

I promise Jonas is more excited than this, this was pre night of sleep to think about it all.


  1. haha--thanks so much for posting those pictures and explaining your reactions. you guys crack me up.

  2. I have to admit - Jonas does look a little pale! Congrats El and Cherry!

  3. Love the pictures!! It's the most fun best news ever!
