
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy 2 Year!!!!

So 2 years ago this is what me and Jonas were doing...showers, showers, and more showers. Oh and yeah gettin hitched! I cant believe it was 2 years ago this coming Monday that we said I DO!! The past 2 years have been filled with so much joy and new experiences for us to go through together and I wake up everyday loving Jonas more and more. This year we are goin to San Francisco for our anniversary trip and we leave tomorrow! I cant wait to take Jonas around to see stuff in this awesome city!


  1. happy anniversary tit! i hope you have an awesome trip - can't wait to see your pics! :)

  2. aww--Happy early anniversary!! I'm so glad we have the 2 of you in our lives--we are so blessed to call you friends! Have fun in San Fran and say hello to those stinky sea lions for us!
