
Friday, August 28, 2009

Better Late Than Never

So as you all know, my sister is pregnant and at about 15 or 16 weeks now! Me and mom went down a few weeks ago for her second ultrasound and we got to see the little dude/dudette move around and wiggle alot! It was so cool to see and be apart of and these are just a few pictures of our weekend with her. We get to find out in about 3 weeks if its a boy or girl! I cant believe its coming up so fast!

The most recent ultrasound


Stretch is his name


Sadly Stretch is a Bear Bryant fan


Ash with a few gifts (How cute is that elephant box,only $5 at Hallmark!)

Learning How to be a Hot Mama in the next couple months =)


All of us



Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Frazier

Last weekend i drove down with Mat and Aubs to celebrate Lindsay's wedding weekend in Knoxville! It was an awesome weekend and wonderful weather for her wedding and could not have been more beautiful. Her dress was amazing and she looked fabulous in it. I had a lot of fun at the rehearsal and the wedding with friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. These pictures are thanks to Aubs. I haven't loaded mine up yet but i will soon.






Slow Day

This is what happens when i am bored at work. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Josiah David Berger

"Sarah and I wish to thank everyone for your unequalled love and support. We have fought the good fight of faith, prayed without ceasing and trusted Jesus. Now, we have the joy of realizing our Josiah is in heaven. We take great pride and joy in Siah's decision to donate his organs. Siah will now live on in heaven and earth. Hallelujah forever!

To God be the glory!"

—Pastor Steve

This is what Pastor Steve wrote on the grace chapel website the night of Josiah's death. He donated his organs and he saved 5 people this weekend with them. Not to mention the total of 77 people who are impacted by a organ donation. Praise God for being a sovereign and good God. His ways are better than ours and His plans carry out far greater purposes than our own. Thank you all for praying and believing God for His unwavering mercy and peace on the Berger family. A memorial service will be held at Grace Chapel on Tuesday at 4:00 pm.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Jehovah Jireh, won't You come and give us life?
Jehovah Rophe, won't You come and heal us now?
He will breathe and restore the weary heart.
He will restore our souls!

Thank you God that you are the healer and the giver of life. Blessed be Your name in all things.


I just got back form the waiting area that everyone is waiting in for the Berger's. They had to move everyone from the normal waiting area because there were just so many people here for them. Steve and Sarah came down and were praying with everyone and Steve got a phone call from one of the doctors saying that they had seen brain activity in Josiah and they needed to come back upstairs. Praise God!

The Lord Who Heals

Please pray for our Pastor's son, Josiah Berger. He was in a horrible car wreck last night by himself and hit a tree. He has major swelling deep in his brain and he NEEDS prayer. Our God is a GOOD God and He alone can heal Josiah. He is the Lord who heals and we believe Him for it and know that He can restore Josiah. Please pray for him and his family. I will try and keep everyone posted on him.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

St. Louie

We had an awesome time with Gavin and Margaret in St. Louis this past weekend. We saw alot of the city that we did not get to see last year when we went to visit and a new part of town that they now live in. They moved last month to a bigger apt and its awesome! We loved seeing their new place and meeting some of their new friends! We watched alot of Arrested Development, ate good food, layed around, went to the zoo, went to the farmers market, got introduced to "Ted Drewes" famous custard, and Bailey's chocolate bar. It was an awesome weekend seeing them and getting to catch up on life with the French's. We miss them so much.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Have a Fun Weekend

Hope everyone has a happy weekend! We are off to see our friend's, Gavin and Margaret, in St Louis! I love st. Louis especially in the summer because everythign is free!!! Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend and is blessed! Happy Birthday to baby Leighton!! And Congrats to Kyle and Courtney who are having their first sweet baby girl this weekend!