
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

St. Louie

We had an awesome time with Gavin and Margaret in St. Louis this past weekend. We saw alot of the city that we did not get to see last year when we went to visit and a new part of town that they now live in. They moved last month to a bigger apt and its awesome! We loved seeing their new place and meeting some of their new friends! We watched alot of Arrested Development, ate good food, layed around, went to the zoo, went to the farmers market, got introduced to "Ted Drewes" famous custard, and Bailey's chocolate bar. It was an awesome weekend seeing them and getting to catch up on life with the French's. We miss them so much.


  1. awww--I love all of the pictures!! You take such good pictures of animals :)

  2. i love them too. i love the candids. so cute! glad u got custard. isnt that place awesome!
