
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Living from a suitcase

So these next few months are going to be absolutely crazy. I was looking at my work calendar today and realised just how much we are going to be gone and how much is going to be happening around us in the next few weeks/months!

This weekend with Labor day we have family stuff everyday. Ash and Matt are coming in town, Gavin and Margaret will be here, and then Jan and Lisa will be here on Monday so we will see them as well.

Next weekend is Cherry's baby shower, Holy Moly i cant believe its here.

The weekend after that we are going to the Black Crowes concert.

The first weekend in October i am leaving to go to Indianapolis for some work thingy for a whole week! Not awesome

When i get back from Indy i go strait to Bham for the Brandi Carlile concert with Bird!

Then the next weekend we will be in Denver with family. Hopefully being snowed in for the rest of the week. :)

Then after Denver we have Norwegian family coming in town to stay with us. Yes, i said Norwegian. People i have never met who dont exactly speak English. But i am excited to meet them and bake something for them! Because if i dont have something to do with my hands or something to talk about i may explode with awkwardness.

And somewhere in this crazy October, Sweet baby Lofton will be born! And i just hope we are here to witness it and see them!

The final weekend in October(Halloween) we dont have anything. Hallelujah. We will break for candy. :)

Then in November we will be leaving for 2 weeks to go to Europe!I can not wait i am so stinkin excited. I have already had requests from Bird for a big burly Swiss Alps man and chocolate, and a Eiffel Tower onzie from Ash. So if you have any requests shout them out.

When we get back from Europe we will have ti jump into Christmas decorating mode because i will already be like a week behind! And not to mention somewhere in there get ready for a baby shower for Ash!

And for the 3 maybe 4 people who read my blog yall already knew that. And most likely knew about all these things i am writing. But i needed something to blog about at work today. :)



  1. ughh--your next few months makes me tired just reading about it. And when you decide what you are going to bake for the Norwegians, let me know--I'm interested to see what you feed them! the xterra is like a sandy-brownish color on the outside and grey on the inside! i'm so excited to have a car we can call fit in!!

  2. I'll make sure and put a picture up of you and Jony-pu so that the boys remember ya'll!

  3. Busy, but sounds like a lot of fun! My busy calendar only consists of when I have to be @ work & what is due for school.

  4. W.O.W. you are a BUSY BEE!!! I am so excited for you! fun fun fun! love u

  5. So glad you found me! Sounds like you will be crazy this fall. We miss ya'll and wished you still lived in Birmingham so we could hang out! I can't wait to see the pics from your whirlwind few months!!
