
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Update

Sorry for the delay in my posting, i know all 3 of you who read my blog have been dissapointed in me. :) But im back! And here is what has been going on...

Bird moved out a couple of weeks ago and moved across town to Opryland to live with her friend Dee. We miss her, especially Stoney because they would always hang out together during the days. But she has moved out so therefore we have been throwing stuff away, selling things on craigslist, and getting the nursery cleaned out! :) It has been hard to control myself from buying baby stuff but i didnt want to end up with just a ton of gender neutral things so i havent bought anything yet. So, we dont have any baby stuff to put in there except for some stuff our sweet friends and family have gotten us that is in the closet right now. Next on the list, is to clean our carpet upstairs because im pretty sure i could create a second Stoney if i tried with all the hair that we will suck up and clean.

We hung out with Brian and Rochelle and the boys on Sunday and had a lot of fun with them. They are growing like weeds and i feel like everytime i see them they are different! They have the best personalities and LOVE to eat with you. :) We introduced them to Pocahontas on Sunday and they really liked it i think. There were a few times the attention span was lost but for the most part they watched it and loved it! Brian left on Monday for the Domincan Republic to go down for a few days with some people at church. They are building 5 orphan homes where 5 couples will go and be foster parents for boys that will be inhabiting the homes when they are ready. So Brian is going down to be the translator for the group.

I think that baby Brooklyn is going to make her Nashville debut soon and i cant wait to see her again! Every day Ash will send me a picture of her and she looks so different from when she did a few weeks ago! Ash seems to be doing great and adjusting well and Brooklyn does too!

Well, tonight LOST is on again and i longingly await for Tuesday nights every week because of this show. It is so confusing but yet so awesome at the same time that you dont even care that you are completely lost in LOST. And also there is the weekly debates between Elliott, Chad, and Jonas that go on as to what their theories are for the show. And it seems like every week they are wrong or some of their theories are wrong within the first 2 minutes of teh show coming that is entertaining too. :)

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!



  1. I can't wait til you find out so I can get to shopping!!! LOVE YOU !

  2. Elliott's first comment during the first few minutes of each LOST episode is "Well, that just disproved my theory..." happens almost EVERY week. I can't wait until we know what baby Frid is-AGH I'm so excited!
