
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pants on the Ground

Lookin like a fool??? yeah i probly would be if it weren't for this little miracle cause there would be no way that i could have made it through the past month without this product. I had always heard about this little invention through my friend, Cherry, who just had  a baby and then my sister, Ash, who used it too when she was prego with Brooklyn. I kinda doubted that this little miracle would help me much when Ash sent it to me in December and i even had our friend, Gavin, try it out for me. Yes uncle Gavin took one for the team and tried it out. He didnt believe that it would hold up your pants. :) Which now i would give anything to have a picture of, but needless to say this little band of magic works wonders!Without it not only would my pants be "on the ground" but i would probly have to go out and spend a ton of money on maternity pants that i wont ever wear again until the next baby comes along.

anywho... Happy Tuesday!!


  1. Love it! Dont let uncle chad know. he may revert back to 7th grade and try shanking you. ha

  2. i love that you're already planning on more babies. we're seriously contemplating that-which is why I told you to just keep those dresses I gave you. yay for the bella band though! i'm going to get mine back out for the holidays next year :)

  3. you are funny em...time for a belly pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hey girl. I'm just now reading this post, but wanted to say that I love these bella bands too!

    An added little trick... I actually used mine to hide my popped belly button in the last few months! Worked awesome! ;)
