
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pretty in Pink

That's right! It's a GIRL!!!! We were so surprised because for some reason when we woke up on Friday morning we totally went into that ultrasound thinking boy and then at the very end of the ultrasound the lady told us it was a girl! We were so excited and couldnt believe that we were going to be parents of a sweet little girl. Everything meausured beautifully and little Avery is growing along right on schedule. We will have to scan in the ultrasound and upload it later so you can see her sweet profile, because she does have the sweetest little profile picture i guess its good she isnt a boy.

Later that day we had friends and family come over to reveal what the little monkey was going to be and we were so lucky to have some of my good friends from college coming in town for a wedding! I was so happy that they could be there and am so blessed by their friendship. So we had a mixture of those girls, our couple friends here in town, and family come over for the big reveal. I had booked it home on Friday form the appt to make some cupcakes that had pink icing in the middle, and we had everyone at the same time bite into their cupcakes! It was so fun and dad made a video that i will have to upload soon too. Thank you for all the prayers and messages you all sent us on Friday because it meant the world to us! We are truly blessed by our friends and family and are so happy to know this little girl will grow up with such wonderful people!

My beautiful friend Fanch got to come in town and swing by tobe apart of the celebration. We love her and missed her hubs this weekend!

Avery is already so blessed!

Auntie Katie and auntie Fanch got her the cutest shoes and weiner dog rattler!

Me and the hubs at Bonnie's wedding!

We havent gotten a picture of the 4 of us in forever! It was so good to all be together in the same city again! Love you guys!



  1. Truly what an incredible evening and weekend that we were able to celebrate such an exciting time with you all!!! Andin is crushed he missed it so we will have to make it up to you all soon! LOVE YOU GUYS!

  2. Em, what a great idea to share the news with your fam and friends! What a blessing to have everyone there! Congrats, congrats, congrats...little Avery and Brooklyn will just get to be the best of friends!! :)

  3. I'm still in serious mourning over missing the big reveal :( however, we shall celebrate tonight! Love your pics!

  4. Exciting!! Very happy for you guys!
