
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

28 weeks and Seaside

Jonas and I just got back from having a nice long weekend in Seaside, Florida. It was exactly what we needed and was such a relaxing way to spend our last trip together as two. And yes that sentence scares the poo outta me sometimes. Dont get me wrong im super blessed and excited but i have moments of meltdown and freakout too. Sometimes i lay in bed feeling her move and love every second of it, and sometimes i look over at Jonas and tend to get nervous/sad it wont be just the two of us anymore, cause he is all i have ever known and it has always just been us two. But i know come August i wont even be able to remember what it was like to not have Avery around. So anywho...the beach was awesome and we had beautiful weather every day. We got burned oober fast so we didnt even get to sit out on our last day which was gorgeous, but we rode bikes and shopped and ate ALOT. :) We had a beautiful place to stay thanks to Chad's aunt B! Her house is gorgeous and she was so sweet to let us use her basement in Seaside for our little get away! Jonas was sweet and took some pictures of me on the beach on our last night and i love how they turned out! He did such a good job! Hope everyone is doing great and had a wonderful weekend!

And yes my boobs are outta control in this picture, haha oh the joys of pregnancy


  1. You are so beautiful! I love you both! Can't wait to see you guys!!

  2. You are so beautiful Em! Can't wait to meet Avery!

  3. dear lord, make me 1/1000 of how gorgeous emily fridrichsen is when i'm pregnant and i'll be a happy girl!!! love you so much em!!! so glad you had a lovely babymoom, i heart aunt b:)

  4. how beautiful you look, emily! avery is growing and growing. glad you and jonas enjoyed a weekend getaway before baby arrives. i'll definitely have to visit baby avery when i am home in nashville in sept/oct. much love to you two/three.

    sarah kate
