
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lake Trip

Last weekend we went to Lake Martin, which is really close to Auburn, with Jonas' family. His aunt Lisa's boss let us use their brand new lake house to try out and have a weekend getaway for Lisa's birthday! It was an awesome relaxing weekend and we enjoyed every minutes of it!

The whole fam

Our dog is the biggest wussy, he hated the water and curled up in this beach chair instead of playing

Did i say lake house? Oh i meant the governor's club

Jonas had to basically pick up Stoney and make him get in the water

Here we are at 29 weeks! It's crazy how fast the time has flown by since i found out she was a girl. Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. STONEY!!!! BAHAHAHAH I just seriously Laughed out loud!! Look at you!! You are such a beauty Em!! It is all in the belly! So glad you all were able to relax and enjoy the estate! :-)

  2. so glad you guys had fun! Your dog is a wuss. Tell him I said that.

  3. #1 who's crappy shack was that? that place looked miz. #2 cherry is right. #3 i hope your heart is recovering from its minor attack last night :)

  4. omg you are so much bigger, i can't wait to pat your belly!
