
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shower Time!!!

So this post is WAY apologies. I still havent gotten my pictures from my dad yet so i was waiting to accumulate some of these through other people. So...thanks to BFanch, Aubs, and Cherry here are some pictures of the amazing shower that my friends threw for me and Avery last weekend!

Diaper Cake from Becky Bird

Cutest book ever from Fanch!

Nam bits, of course

not gunna lie...wish i had one of these right now :)

Aubrey painted  a sign just for Avie

Snuggle Sack from Auntie Ash!

Awesome Diaper bag that my hostesses gave to me. This thing really is amazing.

some of my favorite people

hostess gifts!

Some of my sweet hostesses

sweet notes to avery from everyone who came.

My hostesses were, Aubrey, Cherry, Katelyn, Carlene, Bird, Katie, Em, and Dana! The shower was at Aubs beautiful house and they did such an amazing job on everything!! I was overwhelmed with the love shown to me and Avery by all my sweet friends. Especially the ones who drove up from Birimingham and Jackson!!! love you girls!

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