
Thursday, August 5, 2010

39 weeks and 105 degrees

Here we are at 39, tired, huge, hot, hungry, and did i say hot? This week in TN it has been in the 100's every day and what does that mean? No progress with baby Avery and an AC unit that struggles. We have faced the fact that the unit for our home is just not big enough and yes we knew this when we bought our house and yes we were young and dumb enough to go for it even though we knew it was too small. How bad could it be? Man are we eating our words this week. Now i know everyone right now has been struggling with AC units but when we got home yesterday afternoon our house was 82 degrees and we had it set on 71!!

I was miserable. I was cooking dinner which i had been excited about because i was trying to make a casserole that Jonas' mom makes and i had bought enough to freeze us a big casserole dish of it to have easy to eat when Avery gets here. When we sat down to dinner...dripping sweat and tired...the casserole was GROSS. I dont know what i did because when Debbies makes it, it's awesome but last night it was pretty gross...Jonas being the sweetie that he is scarfed it down and acted like it was great and all i could do was sit there...and the longer i sat there the more mad i got at the casserole and the hotter i became. Jonas looked up from his plate and i was just sitting there balling, i put my head on the table and couldnt quit crying about the stupid casserole and how hot i was. Now who agrees that Avery needs to come on out and grace us with her presence???
i know Jonas does...

So, Jonas left to go to Costco to get us more fans and then our favorite people show up with a party...the Fuson's!!! They were so sweet to sit in our house that felt like the 7th circle of hell and hang with us. Needless to say we needed them last night and the fun that they brought with them. And let's just say it was a party...well a Jonas and Chad party/ Emily eats 2 ice cream cones kinda party

1 comment:

  1. Fusons here. Glad we could bring the party. Anytime. We are glad to see that you enjoy it as we may choose to bring it in a couple of weeks, when you will be slightly less receptive. Btw, i (katelyn) thought the casserole was good. I snuck a few bites during the karaoke sesh.

    Chad says "Jonas is the best back-up singer he's ever had."
    - kFc
