
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shutterfly Shoutout

So i want to give a blog shoutout to one of my favorite websites that i give a lot of business too around this time of year. has always come through for me during the Christmas season with tons of different options for gifts for anyone in your family! We always use them to make my mom her calendar for the next year with every month sporting a bunch of family photos. They help us out every year with Christmas cards ( ), coffee mugs(, ornaments, and photo books. Even everyday use such as stationary ( ) and prints of our favorite photos. It's free to sign up and they always have awesome deals no matter what time of the year it is.

And to really say Merry Christmas, this year Shutterfly is giving away 50 free holiday cards to anyone who blogs about how much they like shutterfly! Go to and then you will get an email telling you the details of how to get your free holiday cards! So sign up now and save money!

Skinny Minny

Ever since i came home with Avery i have wished she had come with an instruction manual/questioned everything i did/wondered how in the world i would ever get the hang of the whole parenting thing. And everyone kept telling me that parenting is a little learning process...understatement.

Last week me and Avie headed down to Birmingham to see Brooklyn and Ash for a few days. While we were there i started noticing just how little Avery seemed to be looking. Her diapers were huge on her when a few weeks ago they seemed to fit, and she wasn't going to the bathroom as much as i had thought she would (mind you i had NEVER had a blow up or had to change her diaper in public). I figured i was justr comparing Avery too much to Brooklyn who is 6 months ahead of her but still i wanted to call teh doctor and see if i could bring her in for a weight check. SO me and Jonas went to the docs office last Thursday and while we were waiting i told Jonas how crazy these people probly think i am because Avery just has a small frame and she is probably going to be fine. Well i was wrong...way wrong. The nursecame back in and said "Well she weighs 11.4" My jaw dropped. 11.4! Like 11 lbs and 4 oz1?! "Yes", the nurse said. She weighed that when she was there at 8 weeks and she is almost 15 weeks! The nurse told us to wait for the Dr and he would talk to us about it. So the Dr comes in and basically asks me how much she is eating a day...i said 4 x's a day and sleeping all night. He stopped me right there and said that Avery should be ewating at least 7-8 times a day. I went pale. I felt like he wanted to call child sevices on me and lock me away. Anyways long story short we talked about where we had gone wrong and he put Avery on a Thankgiving diet basically where she eats every 3 hours even during the night just for this past weekend. Sooo we took the little turkey back in yesterday to be weighed and thankfully she had gained over a pound! Since we have started to feed her so much she has gained weight, goes through diapers like crazy, AND has had several blow ups in public. I never thought i would be happy that my child poops and pees as much as she does.

So anyways, all that to say...we are learning alot over here at the Fridrichsen house. We havn't seens any child service/social services cars outside our house yet. Everyone keep your fingers crossed :)

We had so much fun in Bham with Ash and Brooklyn. Here are a few pictures from our visit!

Love you all and hope you all have a Happy Thankgiving with your family and friends!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

3 months!

I can't believe it but this little girl is 3 months old today!

Time is flying by and we are loving and soaking up every minute of it with Avery. She has grown so much and seems to be doing something new everyday.

Avery, at 3 months you are...

-holding your head up like a pro
-beginning to enjoy your activity mat. I was determined to get you to like it and you are finally reaching for and pulling on the animals!
-you are talking and making new noises everyday
-you LOVE faces
-you LOVE music and people singing to you
-you tend to freak out if you dont have something moving in front of you or entertaining you( but i have realised i should love these moments you want me in front of your face because sooner or later youwont want me in your face, hah)
-you sleep from 8 pm to 8 am with no interruptions (hallelujah)
-you take 3 good naps during the day
-you are beginning to laugh out loud
-you have rolled over from your stomach to your back a few times
-you love your wubbanub
-you do great in the car
-you blow bubbles all the time with your spit and drool ALOT
-you love bathtime too!

Avers we love you and enjoy seeing you learn new things everyday. Happy 3 months baby girl! Thanks for making life different and entertaining everyday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Very Hungry Caterpillar

Yesterday we celebrated a ONE year birthday with some of our favorite people. Lofton Wood turned one this past week and we had so much fun celebrating with them yesterday. So many people came yesterday to see this little dude turn one and smash some cake.

He was pretty interested in his cake until he saw how many people were singing and looking at him. :)

Cherry did an amazing job on his birthday party. Lofton loves books so Cherry wanted to have a book theme. She had someone make this maazing cake with the theme of "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" The cake and the cupcakes all resemble different things that the caterpillar eats in the book and it was so stinkin cute! She also gave party favors to the babies and kids that came to the party and it was that book! How cute of an idea was that?

We have loved getting to see little Lofton grow this past year and cant wait for more years to come with him! He is such a sweet, lovable, and cuddly little boy and is loved by so many people!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

One Year Ago

Holy Cow i can't believe that it's already November! Lately i have been thinking about how so much has changed since last November. This time last year we were getting ready to go on our trip to Europe, which seems like FOREVER ago. We were getting ready for the holidays, contimplating selling our house(crazy), and our good friends Cherry and Elliott were fixing to have Lofton who is about to turn 1!!!

Its so weird what all can happen in a year, especially since Avery wasn't even a thought this time last year and here she is at almost 3 months old and growing like crazy. Even though life has changed dramatically for us this past year we couldnt be more thankful or happy for the way God has blessed and changed our lives.  Here are just a few pictures of what has been going onlately here in the Fridrichsen household...