
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Skinny Minny

Ever since i came home with Avery i have wished she had come with an instruction manual/questioned everything i did/wondered how in the world i would ever get the hang of the whole parenting thing. And everyone kept telling me that parenting is a little learning process...understatement.

Last week me and Avie headed down to Birmingham to see Brooklyn and Ash for a few days. While we were there i started noticing just how little Avery seemed to be looking. Her diapers were huge on her when a few weeks ago they seemed to fit, and she wasn't going to the bathroom as much as i had thought she would (mind you i had NEVER had a blow up or had to change her diaper in public). I figured i was justr comparing Avery too much to Brooklyn who is 6 months ahead of her but still i wanted to call teh doctor and see if i could bring her in for a weight check. SO me and Jonas went to the docs office last Thursday and while we were waiting i told Jonas how crazy these people probly think i am because Avery just has a small frame and she is probably going to be fine. Well i was wrong...way wrong. The nursecame back in and said "Well she weighs 11.4" My jaw dropped. 11.4! Like 11 lbs and 4 oz1?! "Yes", the nurse said. She weighed that when she was there at 8 weeks and she is almost 15 weeks! The nurse told us to wait for the Dr and he would talk to us about it. So the Dr comes in and basically asks me how much she is eating a day...i said 4 x's a day and sleeping all night. He stopped me right there and said that Avery should be ewating at least 7-8 times a day. I went pale. I felt like he wanted to call child sevices on me and lock me away. Anyways long story short we talked about where we had gone wrong and he put Avery on a Thankgiving diet basically where she eats every 3 hours even during the night just for this past weekend. Sooo we took the little turkey back in yesterday to be weighed and thankfully she had gained over a pound! Since we have started to feed her so much she has gained weight, goes through diapers like crazy, AND has had several blow ups in public. I never thought i would be happy that my child poops and pees as much as she does.

So anyways, all that to say...we are learning alot over here at the Fridrichsen house. We havn't seens any child service/social services cars outside our house yet. Everyone keep your fingers crossed :)

We had so much fun in Bham with Ash and Brooklyn. Here are a few pictures from our visit!

Love you all and hope you all have a Happy Thankgiving with your family and friends!!

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