
Thursday, March 17, 2011


Next Tuesday i will be here...

but i'm pretty sure my heart and mind will be here...

You dont need your mind on vacation anyways, right?  Thats what i keep telling myself. 

Yep, that's right we are leaving Avery for the first time and i'm not gunna lie, i have been having some inner-turmoil over this. I know it had to come sometime but i'm still kinda nervous/sad about it. She will be having a week with BeBe/Mister and FarMor/FarFar so i know she is in great hands.

Im also kinda nervous she will either A. get her frist tooth while we are gone therefore leaving the grands with one cranky baby or B. she will start crawling. We are right on the cusp of that so i may tell them to not even put her on her belly while we are gone :) Or if she starts crawling to not tell me. hah

So anyways, im super excited about having some away time with Jonas and friends but im still sad and will miss her A LOT.

What is everyone doing to enjoy this new and beautiful spring weather???

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