
Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

"You are stronger, you are stronger.
Sin is broken, you have saved me.
It is written: Christ is Risen!
 Jesus, you are Lord of all!"

"On Friday a theif, on Sunday a King."

Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday with family and friends. We had a great morning at church and celebrated with the Fridrichsen's and Rain's after. We had an egg hunt with the Ray/Collins fam last weekend which some of the pictures are from below.

Easter has become one of my favorite weekends. I know it probably should have been ever since i became a christian, but growing up i didn't quite grasp what Easter was really all about. Let's just say we were way more concerned on what we were wearing on Easter Sunday, what the Easter bunny got us in our baskets, and if i could get my grandma to get me out of my spanking i was told i was getting if i didnt straighten up for the million pictures we took with our cousins. So all that being said, we are going to have a different approach with Avery. Dont worry, she wont be the only child without an Easter basket, but we aren't going to do it necessarily on Easter Sunday. We want Avery to grow up knowing the meaning of Easter with the importance of Resurrection Sunday and the empty grave and what that means for her in her life.

 Hope everyone has a wonderful start to their week!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Frid's. I have no doubt that Avie will still be the most-loved and adored little girl in the world even without a big Easter shenanigan. Perhaps the Fusons and Frids can start an anual Spring Egg hunt though :) You know Chad will feel compelled to start grooming our kids to hunt by age 2.
