
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5 Random Ramblings

*After 5 months of what seems like daily cleaning-messing up-and cleaning our house again we decided to take it off the market due to this crappy market lack of interest and a realization of how much money we would have to lose in order to move. So we are now searching for a house we cant live without and then in that instance we will put our house up for rent and try to resell it on down the road.

*Tomorrow is Jonas' 27th birthday! Oh how i love him...

He has no personality does he?

He's a precious husband, hilarious & sweet daddy, & my favorite person in the world. Happy Birthday love!

*One of my friends just found she was pregnant. Oh and did i mention she just had her first baby in January? Of this year? Yeah.....I am excited/scarred for her. :)

*My child's bowels are finally working! Eww i know but if you have been reading and following me lately you know that Ave's hasn't exactly been able to go to the bathroom that easily on her own. So we have been phasing out miralax and introducing pinto beans and fiber one yogurt! Hooray for messy diapers and sorry for being graphic.

* I have quickly become obsessed with If you have never been to this website you should click and become obsessed as well!  Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste. Pinterest is where i found these beauties {that i hope to either buy soon or create myself!}

I may just make these tomorrow for J's bday breakfast :)

 How much of a lifesaver would this be in a playroom for your kids!

And this little beauty is a muffin pan sponge! How GENIUS is this. I have always thought 'UGH there has to be an easier way to clean this crazy thing!' And now there is...order it from

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Beginnings

Exactly 9 months ago we not only were celebrating the birth of our sweet Avery but only one week after her arrival we had to say goodbye to our Uncle Jan and aunt Lisa's house in Birmingham. On August 15th, their awesome Birmingham home was struck by lightening and burned down. Thankfully with a good foundation and great insurance they were able to rebuild the exact same house with some minor changes that they had always wanted to do. While the photographs, memories, and material possesions can not be replaced we are SO thankful for their lives and the fact that Jan, Lisa, and the sweet pups were not harmed in any way.

So this weekend, the four (stoney bones came too) of us drove down to Bham to help them move stuff back into the new house! Check out the new house!

It was weird being in there, it was like nothing had happened but thats easy for me to say because i have not had to face the countless decisions that J and L have had to face over the past fews months.

We had so much fun with them over the weekend and loved celebrating their new house to be filled with new memories!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Month 9

Wait surely it can't be May already. Seriously?

These months keep ticking away and with them more days and days of memories with my little chickadee. Avery has changed SO much in this past month. She has really 'come to life' and seems to be showing off a new trick or sound she can make every day.

Here we are at 9 months...

Since we have last updated everyone about our monthly milestones we have gone from rolling around everywhere to crawling to standing to walking along her baby gate. Yep life has changed for us over here at the Frid household. I had been hearing that when this stage comes 'your life is over different' mainly because you cant take your eyes off of them. Well im actually enjoying it and love watching Avery crawl and explore. I'm sure that will change pretty fast but then maybe we will be on to walking and it will be a new exciting thing to watch.

Chickadee helped me cook our mother's day dinner for FarMor and BeBe, er clung to my leg the whole time and chased me around the kitchen in her walker.

Avery at 9 months you are doing the following:
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • still only have two teeth but we are chomping around on lots of things
  • EVERYTHING goes to the mouth
  • you LOVE bath time
  • you still love singing, fave song of the moment is 'Little Bunny Foo Foo"
  • you are infatuated by guitars
  • your favorite animal is your lamby or better known as 'Jelly'
  • we are trying to get your bowel movements under control, or should i say 'not as explosive'
  • you want to stand up on everything
  • you can say da-da and ba-ba. There may have been a mmmmm sound in there but we are still working on ma-ma
  • you can be pacified with a wooden spoon or spatula for a LONG time :D
  • you still love stoney and spend your days chasing him around the house. He doesn't know what to think about you.
  • you take 2 two hour naps a day and you are still sleeping through thenight like a champ.
  • you love to wake up and play in your bed and pull the cords of your video monitor and speakers for the ipod off the side ofthe crib.
  • you dont really care for your toys right now
  • you love having soft things pulled over your face
  • you often sleep on your tummy with your legs tucked up under you or with one leg propped up on the bumpers
  • you love snuggling with daddy at night before bed
  • you are timid around strangers, well mainly men, but you sometimes warm up to them.
You are the sweetest and funniest little kid to be around and we love watching you change as you learn new tricks. On to your next month!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5.05.11 {Embrace the Camera}

Today is 'Embrace the Camera' day over on a blog i like to follow, Emily's. I really don't know how i have found half of the blogs that i like to follow. However, i LOVE blogs. Despite them just being an escape from the ordinary/work, i love the creativity and inspiration they give me to keep on blogging.

 I thought that since it's 11 pm, im still awake{which is so rare}, and since im still waiting on my husband to get home from work that i would share some of my favorite photos recently for 'Embrace the Camera' day...

I love these pictures...they remind me of all of our sweet blessings in life.

You can find out more about Embrace the Camera and see posts by others over on Emily’s blog…

Big Sister


That's right, look who is going to be a big sister

Gotcha! It's the Spann family over at Tying Knots. We are SO excited to be announcing the new "micro" Spann that is going to be joining the family on his or her debut December 4! Ash and Matt and B are so excited and we can't wait to see if B is going to have a baby brother or a sister! Wahoo!!!

{hahaha, you should have seen your faces :)}

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

{DIY} Coffee Table/Ottoman

So as promised, here are the instructions for turning an ordinary coffee table into a fun pillow topped ottoman!

 A few months ago i explained what i had in mind. You can read that here, and almost 3 months later here is the finished product with instructions on doing it yourself!

 It honestly is a really easy process, it's just a matter of having all the materials that you need and the time to do it. :)

What you need:
  • Material of your choice big enough to cover the table once it is padded. For a 36" x 36" table u needed a yard and a half.
  • Square wooden coffee table
  • Upholstery thread
  • buttons of your choice {ones for the top and random big ones for the bottom to anchor}
  • paint or stain for the legs
  • staple gun
  • 2" or 3 " foam from JoAnns

Ok, so first things first, you want to paint the legs of your coffee table whatever color you want them to be. I had some of this brown paint lying around from painting Avery's nursery last summer so i used that.

Then, you want to measure off how many tufts you want on the top of your ottoman.
***{You dont have to do this step, but it adds an extra fun element to the top of the ottoman and makes it look more pillowish}*** So mark off the tuft spots with a big 'X'. Then drill through each "X' on the top of the coffee table. Make sure you go all the way through to the back side of the coffee table so that you have a hole in the back to push your thread through.

After the holes are drilled, you want to use spray adhesive to get your 3" foam (from Joann's)  to stick to your table. It's important to have the foam on the sides of the table so that when you pull the fabric over the side to staple down you dont have a hard edge pushing through the fabric. Makes it more baby friendly so that if the little ones decide to walk around this they wont have a hard edge to bang their head on.

Using the 16 drilled holes as my guide, I adhered the tufting buttons (from JoAnns) with upholstery thread and a very long needle. Upholerstery thread is very important because its rediculously tough and doesnt break when pulled on.

I used regular plastic buttons to anchor the tufts on the underside of the table

 Voila! There ya go. See, isnt is easy? Way easier than you would think it would be, and like i said once you have all your materials it doesnt take very long at all!

I know this little gal enjoys it :)

Go check out the DIY day on The Lettered Cottage! Her blog is so creative and fun!

The Lettered Cottage