
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Beginnings

Exactly 9 months ago we not only were celebrating the birth of our sweet Avery but only one week after her arrival we had to say goodbye to our Uncle Jan and aunt Lisa's house in Birmingham. On August 15th, their awesome Birmingham home was struck by lightening and burned down. Thankfully with a good foundation and great insurance they were able to rebuild the exact same house with some minor changes that they had always wanted to do. While the photographs, memories, and material possesions can not be replaced we are SO thankful for their lives and the fact that Jan, Lisa, and the sweet pups were not harmed in any way.

So this weekend, the four (stoney bones came too) of us drove down to Bham to help them move stuff back into the new house! Check out the new house!

It was weird being in there, it was like nothing had happened but thats easy for me to say because i have not had to face the countless decisions that J and L have had to face over the past fews months.

We had so much fun with them over the weekend and loved celebrating their new house to be filled with new memories!

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