
Saturday, July 9, 2011

11 Months?

This morning at Pets-Mart, the cashier was talking the normal baby babble to Avery and said "How old is she?" I said, "She was born August 9th last year so she is like a little over 10 months." Then the cashier said ,"Then isnt she 11 months?"

{Insert awkward moment and face here}

Ummm, wow i guess she is. If that doesnt give you a little insight into my crazy mind and how fast time flies for us i dont know what does.

Just wanted to let everyone know i do realise Avery is 11 months old today. It may have taken the Pets Mart lady to point that out to me but i am acknowledging it today but i am going to do my monthly post tomorrow with all her milestones. 

One more month and we survived our first year!!!

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