
Thursday, July 28, 2011

H-E-double hockey stick

If the title of this post isnt a throwback to the 3rd grade i dont know what is...

If you don't remember my post from almost exactly a year ago that you can read here, then the title of this post probably makes no sense...but basically today's title is to give you a little glimpse into the temperature of our humble abode the past few weeks. Its been up in the high 90's almost everyday for the past month so needless to say our 'little-engine-that-could' of an air conditioning unit has been STRUGGLING. Avery has been going to bed in just her diaper, Stoney prefers to sleep on the cold tile floor than his bed, and ice cream has been a staple at our house.  However, i am not as miserable as i was last year because this year i am not 9 months pregnant and about to pop at any moment. All my prego friends out there who are about to pop or who have a few more months to can do it!!! :)

Thoughts of football, early mornings of ESPN and starbucks, chili, and fall weather are the only things getting us through this heat. Avery and 'Bobbo' have already taken there positions for our early Saturday fall mornings...

Happy Thursdays everyone!

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