
Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Past Two Weeks

Well let's see...

In the past two weeks we have

A. switched Avery from bottles to sippy cups, which went surprisingly well.
B. Levi had his surgery and after a week in the hospital, went home and he is doing well.
C. Uncle C and Aunt kookie moved into their new house in Cottonwood and Avery has already broken it in with her pack n play.
D. I have officially begun decorating for fall in our house...i mean its September 1st, just be glad i didnt do it August 1st :)
E. we have booked a trip to Seattle for the beginning of October which i am so beyond pumped about. I am a huge Grey's anatomy fan(so sad i know) but i have always wanted to go out there because it looks so beautiful. Jonas is going to be out there on business so i am flying out to meet him for a long weekend! who knew southwest flew out there for dirt cheap!?

And thats all i can think of for now. Hope everyone is doing great!!!


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