
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Well hello, October

Can it really be October?

Ok, so truth be told, the reason i have not been blogging is because we have this lady from corporate who has come in to help us at work for awhile and she sits by my side like all day.  Annnnnnd since my work days=blogging days, i have no longer had time to update everyone on our life with someone looking over my shoulder all day.

So anyways, this is what we have been up to lately...

We are climbing all over the place

getting to know new friends...

Avery started everywhere. All she wants to do is walk around, chase Stoney, and explore every place we go.

she LOVES music and wants it playing constantly

we walk down to the park with daddy and stoney in the afternoons

and we watch alot of football...

ok this really isnt her saying "touchdown", but come could work :)

Hope everyone is having a happy fall! Jonas and I are off to Seattle this weekend for a long weekend together with no avie...we 'll miss her but we are really excited to see a new city and have a weekend to ourselves of sleeping in, hiking, and exploring!


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