
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Madness

So all the pictures below were stolen from my sis off her blog cause i just havent had a chance to sit down and download pictures from my camera onto our computer....or im just lazy these days.

We went to Gentry Farms a few weeks ago with the kiddos while Brookie and Ash were in town and it was SO much fun. They have a corn maze for the kids, a hayride, a petting zoo, and some kind of corn trough for the kids to learn about and play with corn. It was so fun seeing all the cousins interact with each other and play. Every time we get them together they seem more and more playful with each other and at some points delirious from all the fun.

We also had a day at Pinkerton Park with the extended fam while Ash was here. BB and JJ had a picnic planned for us and we had about 7 of the cousins altogether so that they could play. It's always fun to get together with our cousins, we were so close growing up and i hope our kids can continue that and play together throughout the years.

Ray fam minus Levi 

Check our Avie's pose...she thought she was at Olan Mills

playing football with her cuzzies

the whole ray collins fam...crazy that next year little Amelia will be with us!

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