
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trick or Treat

Last week on halloween we went trick or treating with this cute alligator...

and this cute chicken...

I was skeptical of how Avie would do with trick or treating but Cherry had the genius idea of taking their wagon to pull the kids in and it worked great! We went over to Fredericksburg where Aubs and Matt live cause the houses are close together and there aren't like a bajillion stairs that the kids have to walk up to get the front door of the house. We had the best time and the kids actually did really well. Lo had to help Avie out with her "Trick-or-Treat" since she hadn't quite mastered those words yet. What are friends for anyways? It was so fun and hopefully we can make it a yearly tradition.

Since we were over to Aubs neck of the woods we got to see her and her "little pumpkin"! She is starting to show and looks great! Oh, and she found out she is having a BOY!!!! we cant wait for Carter Naish West to get here in March!

Checking out each other's costume's...

Happy Halloween! Hope everyone had a fun time with friends!!

Thanks Lofty for letting us trick or treat with you!!

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