
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Merry Merry and Happy New Year!

We had the best Christmas! We got to celebrate with all 4 families and we even got to go to Birmingham to see Jan/Lisa and The Spann crew. It was so fun with Avery this year because she was actually cognizant of what was happening and she even partook in her present opening, and oh did she have some presents. I think i am the most thankful for her new toys because for the past 2 months we have been just trying to make it to Christmas when we knew that she would get new toys to entertain her during the day. 

Since i took like literally 300 pictures during Christmas, i tried to pick out the best ones from all of the family functions so that we wouldnt have a mile long blog post.

{sidenote: im learning to never say "i will never..." because i totally dressed my dog up for cmas, and i said i would never dress my pet up} im that person

Here is Miss A with her Christmas tree!

Avery with her GeeGee

Avery with Christian and Caroline on Christmas Eve morning

Baby Hunter's first Christmas!

Sissy and Debbie with all the grandkids

Avery with FarMor and FarFar

BeBe and Mister on Christmas day

Daddy surprised Avie with her own Uke!

face timing with Brian, Roch, and the twins in Mexico

In Bham with Jan and Lisa

Christmas with the Spann's

Now on to New Years! We had the best low key night with friends and pizza. El and Cherry brought Lo over to play with Avie, and Chad/Kater, Gav/Margaret, and Keith all came over to hang out too.

Love these girls!

A showing Lo her Alphabet toy she got for Christmas

Cherry and Avie bringing in the new year! 

Avie and Puff Daddy

Hope everyone had a blessed holiday season with family and friends!

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