
Sunday, March 11, 2012

So We Bought a House

Yeah, we're crazy. After deciding last week that we were going to put off buying a house until after Sloan got here, we went out and bought one. It's a funny story actually, but it involves seeing a house last Sunday morning after our friends/neighborhood spys told us about it coming on the market that morning, and then us immediately putting a contract on it after we saw it. So now we are going through with inspections and appraisals, oh and that thing called packing, which is oh so fun. So now instead of setting up Sloan's room we are tearing down what little we had done and packing it up to move. If everything goes to plan we will close on April 6th and move in the week after, so prayers would be appreciated! Mainly, that stress would not get the best of me and that little man would stay put until May. The house we bought is in Cottonwood which is neighborhood in Franklin, and we have been zeroing in on that neighborhood for what feels like forever now. And since the market is definitively not a seller's market right now we are going to rent our house here in Lenox Village. If anyone knows of someone looking to rent a 3 bed/2.5 bath house in that area please let me know! I dont have a picture of the outside of the house but ill try and post one soon!

In other news, i had the best weekend with family and friends celebrating Sloan. On Friday night, Katelyn (Aunt KK) had an ice cream party where we had about 10 girls come and celebrate with us. She did such an amazing job decorating for a little boy, of course it doesnt take much cause her house is beautiful anyways. 

Me and the Hostess

Everything was so adorable and yummy. Pretty sure i ate 3 ice cream balls and 2 ice cream cone cupcakes...

Uncle Puff Daddy helped out with the balloon ice cream cones!

Family picture with mom, Deb, Ash, and Roch

Love these two...Aubs is having her baby, Carter, TOMORROW!!! Cherry is due two weeks before me with little Adler!

Some of the girls at the shower...

Here we are at 38, 32, and 34 weeks!

Then the following day, we celebrated with all the women in out family thanks to mom and Ash. They worked so hard to make it a sweet and special occasion and it was beautiful! All of our loving family was there to celebrate Sloan, and they blessed us with so many sweet gifts. My GG has saved so many special things from over the years to pass down to her great grandchildren, and every shower we have had for one of her great grandkids she has surprised us with the sweetest memories and gifts that we get to pass along to our children. Here are a few pictures from that shower... im waiting on some from my dad but here are some that were made on my camera...

diaper cake made by mom and ash...owl hat made by Ash!

Amazing cakes made by Katie Winstead

Hand made 'S' by my dad! Isn't it amazing!

Me and Aunty Ash

Banner made by Tia Rochelle

Thank you to everyone who helped make this weekend special. We feel so loved and are so thankful for all of you! Thank you for already loving Sloan so much!

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