
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Celebration's Anyone?

So last night after 4 years our friends Chad and Katelyn got engaged! It was so fun to celebrate with them and hear the story of how he proposed! She woke up yesterday to her car filled with roses and rose petals, a puffy muffin giftcard, and balloons. He sent her a text that said "Dodohead, wake up and forget your plans for the day. Get dressed cause your mom is coming to pic you up at 12!" So she gets ready has lunch with her mom at Puffy Muffin, then gets another card from Chad that has a gift certificate for Kinko's for her to go get her nametags made for BSF. And then she gets another giftcard to get her nails done! She goes home to get ready to go for dinner with Chad and he has been to her apartment and given her MORE roses! He picks her up and take her to The Parthenon to pop the question and then they have dinner at Flemings with both of their families! How fun is that! She had day filled with surprises from her love. :) After dinner we all surprised her at the Crowe's Nest in Green Hills for a mini-celebration.

Also, last saturday we had a really fun shower for my friend, Cherry, who is having a baby so soon! Lofton is due October 29th but we may see him a little sooner than that.  We had a beautiful shower at Bob and Karen Wood's house and so many girls came to shower Lofton with some awesome gifts! We can't wait to meet the little guy! Here are some pictures from the shower.

Leighton came to support her cousin =)

Getting a little practice

Sweet gift from Kater, she took one of Cherry's maternity pictures and wrote a scripture around it. It is adorable!

The hosteses with Cherry and Lofton. We love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I made the blog!!! yay! you and jonas are such sweet friends. Cant wait for June 26th! woohoooooo. love you!
