
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fixed Roman Shade

Meet Japs...

Japs has been my needle and pin holder since my sewing class my senior year of high school, which was 7 years ago. (sigh)

I found a turtorial on this girl's blog that i love to look at/stalk everyday for a FIXED roman shade, and realised how easy it would be to make so i decided to make it this weekend! For those of you who i have been telling for about 2 weeks now that i was making a curtain, here is it...

This fabric was something me and my mom found about 3 months ago and we got some for her to cover her old wing back chairs with, which turned out awesome. I loved this pattern so i went back and got some for myself! To make this curtain all you need to do is get enough black-out backing fabric and whatever cute pattern of fabric you like to fit your window. I would recomend not gettin a super heavy fabric cause its hard to get it to hang right with your folds you pin up. To make sure you get enough fabric make sure you measure from one side of your window to the next, and if you have window siding, measure from teh outer edge of it. Measure the width and add 2" for a 1"hem on each side, and then measure the length of your window and add 6" so you can have a good 2" hem on top and a 4" hem on the bottom.
So for ex. my window was: 34" W + 2" = 36"(1 yard of fabric)
56"L + 6" = 62" for my length. Normally with length you wont have to worry about it since the fabric is cut in yards for width and the length on the roll at the store is normally at least 65". So all i needed was 1 yd of fabric.

Then you sew your backing fabric to the WRONG side of your fabric leaving about a 1/2" rim on 3 sides. For the bottom of your curtain you wont have to worry about sewing it closed quite yet.

Then you fold over you fabric on both of your sides, overlapping your seam you sewed and hot glue, yes i said hot glue, your fabric to the backing like this...( DO NOT hot glue unless you use black-out backing)

After you have hot glued your two sides, be sure and iron your folds so that they have a good crease on them.

Then you will need to mount the top of your curtain to a 2"x1" board cut to the width of your window and then mount it onto your wall with these nifty 90 degree wall hangers. Please dont ask me what they are called because i got them from my dad. =) But im sure if you go to Lowe's they can point you in the right direction.

Then comes the time consuming part. You will pin your fold into place rather than sewing and having a seam show on your fabric. Get 2" plain pins and pin your folds into place.

Go get yourself some fabric and make one. It's easy!!!


  1. LOVE IT! You are a NATURAL!!!
    i can't wait to see it in person!

  2. you are so stinkin crafty it makes me sick. if I tried to make that, it would look like a fitted sheet or something completely unrecognizable. I love it though! and can't wait to see it in your bathroom!

  3. Em, Have you been watching HGTV again!????

  4. I'm so impressed! You are awesome titty!
