
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

In One Week...

In One Week, I will be looking at this...

instead of my computer screen for 8 hours a day. :)

I cannot wait to be in Europe with Jonas and to be able to experience God's creativity and beauty everyday by the architecture and ambiance of Europe!!! He is makign me take everything in one big backpack. That's right i said one...does he even know his wife? It will be a challenge but i know that i will be thankful to not have to lug all of that stuff around to all the different cities. Hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving with friends and family! Eat some food for us!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Lofton Raines Wood is here!!!! 7 lbs and 3 oz. Hallalujah.  It feels like yesterday when Elliott and Cherry first told us that they were pregnant and how it took me and Aubs a good 5 minutes before we could believe them. But in others (and im sure for Cherry and El) it has seemed like forever. Cherry was due on October 29, but since Lofton was still nice and cozy they had to wait until last night to go in and be induced. Cherry and baby Lofton are doing great and feeling good! Praise God for being such a faithful and good God!!So thanks to Katie Mosley here are some adorable pictures of Lofton!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Can I Say...

So thank you, Megan Bird, for your obsession with Brandi Carlile and for then introducing me to her so that i can be obssessed as well. We went to see this amazing artist, who has been featured on Grey's Anatomy and other shows as well, in Birmingham this past weekend and she was INCREDIBLE. She is the cutest thing ever and who new such a big voice could come from such a little person. Bird took this video while we were there along with probly 20 others but this was her opening number at Workplay called "Oh Dear." Enjoy! Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Birthday's, Black Crowes, & Bird Poop?

This past weekend we went to the Black Crowe's concert at the Ryman. Jonas introduced me to the Crowes back in the 10th grade and we have loved their music ever since. It was a great night surrounded by great music, hippies, beer, and smoke. =)

On our way to the show we decided to kill some time by walking around on the riverfront and take some pictures. We started walking towards the Ryman and all of a sudden i felt something hit me in the head, and i told Jonas, "Crap i think it's raining..." Nope! Just a big Ol' poop from a bird that decided he wanted to relieve himself on my would happen to me. I reached my hand back there and it wasn't your normal run of the mill white bird crap. It was PURPLE! With berries in it...this bird had had one too many berries that day. So we walk over to Sbarroto use their bathroom and there reads a sign that says "Bathroom's are for Sbarro customers only" SAWEET.... so Jonas takes one for the team and gets himself a beer while i go in the bathroom to literally throw water on my head because of course they were out of paper towels.

He bought a beer just so i could use the sweet right? haha

Pre- bird crapping in my hair. =)

Also on friday night we celebrated Kater's 24th birthday!!! We went to J Alexander's on West End and celebrated with Katelyn and Chad, Aubs and Matt, and Cherry, Elliott and Lofton. We love yall!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What I Love about Fall

I love this time of the year and because today, September 22, is the first official day of Autumn i wanted to share a few things i love about this season. Fall has always been my favorite part of the year i guess because of the amazing weather with NO humidity and fun things to do like hayrides, football games, tailgates, and of course the clothes! I love being able to wear a dress with tights and tall boots, baking pumpkin pies, and enjoying family time with a bowl of chili crowded around the TV yelling at your favorite football team.

Like i said boots...

These were at my door last night when we got home from our long day of work and meetings and i had totally forgotten that they were coming yesterday! I have been in search for cute tall boots that dont make my giant feet look like i am going skiing, and i really like them!

And of course the change in weather and colors is an amazing thing to watch in the fall and always reminds me of how much God loves us for Him to give us such a beautiful creation that we get to watch change and show his creativity.

I saw a blue pumpkin at Cherry's baby shower last thursday night outside her aunt's house and i loved it! I am going to go on a search for one this weekend!

And last but not least, TN football is a huge reason of why i love fall. This picture still gives me chill bumps and brings back sweet memories of going to football games in Knoxville every year with my family growing up as a kid, and even though we haven't been doing that great these past couple of years I still love my VOLS!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fixed Roman Shade

Meet Japs...

Japs has been my needle and pin holder since my sewing class my senior year of high school, which was 7 years ago. (sigh)

I found a turtorial on this girl's blog that i love to look at/stalk everyday for a FIXED roman shade, and realised how easy it would be to make so i decided to make it this weekend! For those of you who i have been telling for about 2 weeks now that i was making a curtain, here is it...

This fabric was something me and my mom found about 3 months ago and we got some for her to cover her old wing back chairs with, which turned out awesome. I loved this pattern so i went back and got some for myself! To make this curtain all you need to do is get enough black-out backing fabric and whatever cute pattern of fabric you like to fit your window. I would recomend not gettin a super heavy fabric cause its hard to get it to hang right with your folds you pin up. To make sure you get enough fabric make sure you measure from one side of your window to the next, and if you have window siding, measure from teh outer edge of it. Measure the width and add 2" for a 1"hem on each side, and then measure the length of your window and add 6" so you can have a good 2" hem on top and a 4" hem on the bottom.
So for ex. my window was: 34" W + 2" = 36"(1 yard of fabric)
56"L + 6" = 62" for my length. Normally with length you wont have to worry about it since the fabric is cut in yards for width and the length on the roll at the store is normally at least 65". So all i needed was 1 yd of fabric.

Then you sew your backing fabric to the WRONG side of your fabric leaving about a 1/2" rim on 3 sides. For the bottom of your curtain you wont have to worry about sewing it closed quite yet.

Then you fold over you fabric on both of your sides, overlapping your seam you sewed and hot glue, yes i said hot glue, your fabric to the backing like this...( DO NOT hot glue unless you use black-out backing)

After you have hot glued your two sides, be sure and iron your folds so that they have a good crease on them.

Then you will need to mount the top of your curtain to a 2"x1" board cut to the width of your window and then mount it onto your wall with these nifty 90 degree wall hangers. Please dont ask me what they are called because i got them from my dad. =) But im sure if you go to Lowe's they can point you in the right direction.

Then comes the time consuming part. You will pin your fold into place rather than sewing and having a seam show on your fabric. Get 2" plain pins and pin your folds into place.

Go get yourself some fabric and make one. It's easy!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Celebration's Anyone?

So last night after 4 years our friends Chad and Katelyn got engaged! It was so fun to celebrate with them and hear the story of how he proposed! She woke up yesterday to her car filled with roses and rose petals, a puffy muffin giftcard, and balloons. He sent her a text that said "Dodohead, wake up and forget your plans for the day. Get dressed cause your mom is coming to pic you up at 12!" So she gets ready has lunch with her mom at Puffy Muffin, then gets another card from Chad that has a gift certificate for Kinko's for her to go get her nametags made for BSF. And then she gets another giftcard to get her nails done! She goes home to get ready to go for dinner with Chad and he has been to her apartment and given her MORE roses! He picks her up and take her to The Parthenon to pop the question and then they have dinner at Flemings with both of their families! How fun is that! She had day filled with surprises from her love. :) After dinner we all surprised her at the Crowe's Nest in Green Hills for a mini-celebration.

Also, last saturday we had a really fun shower for my friend, Cherry, who is having a baby so soon! Lofton is due October 29th but we may see him a little sooner than that.  We had a beautiful shower at Bob and Karen Wood's house and so many girls came to shower Lofton with some awesome gifts! We can't wait to meet the little guy! Here are some pictures from the shower.

Leighton came to support her cousin =)

Getting a little practice

Sweet gift from Kater, she took one of Cherry's maternity pictures and wrote a scripture around it. It is adorable!

The hosteses with Cherry and Lofton. We love you guys!