
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Very Happy Nine-Month News

So, long time no blog...i know i know. I would understand if you all never read my blog again, but please dont stop because we have very exciting news and a whole new nine months of things to talk about! Jonas and I are expecting our first child! It's our little Europe miracle (a very welcome surprise) and we are just about over the moon with the news. It has been a crazy month for us with getting back from our trip, discovering we were pregnant, and then Bam, Christmas happened and i feel like i cant even remember half of it. We have had so much fun telling family and friends over the past month and enjoying time off of work to be able to be with other and just relax.  I am 9 weeks along and we went to the doctor for our 2nd appointment on December 23rd to see the little monkey for the first time! It was the coolest thing to go in there and not only hear the heartbeat but to watch it beating like crazy! Im not showing yet but im sure once it starts happeneing it will grow like crazy, and i'll post the ultrasound picture as soon as i can! I am sure i will be needing tons of advice here in the next 7 - 8 months so stay tuned. :) Hope everyone is having a happy Tuesday!



  1. and I am the most proud, excited Aunt ever!!!!!!

  2. Woo Hoo!!! So exciting! We're thrilled for you guys!

  3. Congratulations you two! I couldn't be more excited for you! And let me just say that I saw Farmor and Farfar the other day and they were bursting at the seams! I'll be anxious to follow your journey on this blog

  4. EM!! Congratulations and well wishes! I have no advice except for the drugs you can take...but I'm so excited for you all!!

  5. YAY!!!!!! that was the happiest blog post of all time. ever. love you guys!

  6. I am so excited for you guys! ya'll will be great parents:) Let me know if you have any questions and maybe I can help! Take care of mama and baby!

  7. Congrats Em and Jonas! We're excited that there will be another baby in your family!

  8. yaaaaaaay! i think ive been silently protesting your blog lately because i wanted you to put up the newwwwws, but looks like i missed it! ha. cherry's right, happiest blog posting ever! you are going to be such a great mamma. and...well...jonas still has 7 more months. haha, you know im kidding. love the freeds! all 3!

