
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's a Kumquat?

Well apparently, its in the orange/citrus family and i think i remember eating these when we were in Mexico, or maybe that was mangos? Who knows and who cares...well i do because besides it being a fruit its the size of our baby today! We are 10 weeks today and life is sweet. I have been feeling pretty sleepy lately but im hoping in a few weeks when im in my second trimester that will go away. They say you feel the best in your second trimester so i can't wait!

Things have been kinda crazy lately for us. I had a whirlwind trip to Birmingham for Ashley and baby Brooklyn's baby shower which was so fun, on Saturday. She got tons of good stuff that she will need SO soon. I can't believe it is almost time for Brooklyn to make her debut! :) We also had some Swedish family in town this past weekend so i hurried back from Bham to hang out with them for a bit. Robert and his girlfriend Sara came in town to hang out for a bit. Robert is 32 i think and he came and lived with Jonas' family for a year or so while he was an exchange student here back when we were in 6th grade. And ever since me and Jonas started hanging out i have heard all about Robert and was wondering when i would get to meet him and i finally got to! He was so nice and really funny and his girlfriend was sweet too.

Also, my best friend Bird is living with us! She moved in last Wednesday and is staying with us for about a month and half or 2 so that she can save up some mula and move in with her friend D who is moving here in February. It has been really fun having her here even though we havent gotten to hang too much cause we are always running around but she has been so great. She has been a huge help around the house and takes care of Stoney Bones. He is going to be super spoiled when she leaves because he is gettin to stay out of the cage all day now, and gets to lay around and sleep all day. I wish I was a dog some days...

Hope everyone is having a happy Tuesday!



  1. Yes you had Kumquat's in Mexico. And mangos. Hmmm, that sound sooooo good right now! And they're in season :)
    So glad to hear that my niece is getting so big! Love you Em!

  2. Can I make a suggestion that you change your font color? Either I'm older than I thought and losing my eye sight or its hard to read. :) Love u tit and yes, I remember the kumquats in Mexico too!
