
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lake Trip

Last weekend we went to Lake Martin, which is really close to Auburn, with Jonas' family. His aunt Lisa's boss let us use their brand new lake house to try out and have a weekend getaway for Lisa's birthday! It was an awesome relaxing weekend and we enjoyed every minutes of it!

The whole fam

Our dog is the biggest wussy, he hated the water and curled up in this beach chair instead of playing

Did i say lake house? Oh i meant the governor's club

Jonas had to basically pick up Stoney and make him get in the water

Here we are at 29 weeks! It's crazy how fast the time has flown by since i found out she was a girl. Hope everyone is having a great week!

Jessica's "Daily Affirmation"

Have you affirmed youself today? No? Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

28 weeks and Seaside

Jonas and I just got back from having a nice long weekend in Seaside, Florida. It was exactly what we needed and was such a relaxing way to spend our last trip together as two. And yes that sentence scares the poo outta me sometimes. Dont get me wrong im super blessed and excited but i have moments of meltdown and freakout too. Sometimes i lay in bed feeling her move and love every second of it, and sometimes i look over at Jonas and tend to get nervous/sad it wont be just the two of us anymore, cause he is all i have ever known and it has always just been us two. But i know come August i wont even be able to remember what it was like to not have Avery around. So anywho...the beach was awesome and we had beautiful weather every day. We got burned oober fast so we didnt even get to sit out on our last day which was gorgeous, but we rode bikes and shopped and ate ALOT. :) We had a beautiful place to stay thanks to Chad's aunt B! Her house is gorgeous and she was so sweet to let us use her basement in Seaside for our little get away! Jonas was sweet and took some pictures of me on the beach on our last night and i love how they turned out! He did such a good job! Hope everyone is doing great and had a wonderful weekend!

And yes my boobs are outta control in this picture, haha oh the joys of pregnancy

Friday, May 7, 2010


Yes we are alive...i have been contemplating quitting this whole blog thing lately, and well this isnt my first time to think that, but i am trying to stay with it because i basically depend on blogs to keep my eyes open while im at work, so in case there is someone out there who is like me here is an update to keep you entertained at work!

There has been SO much going on lately that i don't even know where to begin....but i will start with the Nashville flood. Basically everyone knows that Noah came through here last weekend, and the flood came with him. Nashville has been hit hard with flooding and the weird thing is that it was ina reas you would never expect to have issues. Most of the people who were affected and basically lost everything had NO flood insurance. So thankfully there have been organizations and many many generous people helping out to help those in need. My best friend, Bird, who rents a house over by Opryland was evacuated last Sunday night and we went to rescue her from McGavock High School early Monday morning, and thankfully she was fine and her house isnt in too bad of shape. The houses around her were flooded but their house sits up alittle bit and no water got in their house. ut her car was flooded so they are working on seeing how to get that taken care of. But praise Jesus their house is ok for the most part.

We are going to Seaside this week and i cant wait! This will be our last trip as just the two of us for a while and i cant wait to sit on the beach, margarita in hand..or coke...blast...water i guess, a book, and feel the breeze of Florida! I love seaside and i havent gotten to stay there in the past few years so hopefully we will have good weather and NO OIL!  i dont think they have been affected yet and hopefully it will hold off.

In other news...we had a kitchen shower for our June bride, Katelyn, this past Tuesday night at Eve's house. It was suppossed to be last Sunday but due to Lake TN we changed it to Tuesday and we had a great turn out! She got some awesome stuff and we cant wait for her June wedding! She will be beautiful and i cant wait for her wedding festivities to get going! The boys are having a weekend at Center Hill on a houseboat and the girls are chilling at the pool and going to fan fair i think? I cant remember what that thing is called but im excited!

We finally started on the nursery! Im so sorry for the delay in pictures but without much further ado

Painting! Dark brown walls and cream/tan closet...Jonas was super excited :)

We got her bedding in after a scare that we may not get it all...

Jonas is a cheese ball

The paint turned out a lot darker than i expected but i think with the white furniture once we get it all up there it will lighten it up quite a bit. Dad came and gave us recessed lighting, and a light in the closet, Joe and Deb came and helped us paint the bathroom, the nursery, and the baseboards.

And me and Jonas put the crib up together. It was way easier than we expected and we really like it...we just need a mattress now.

Stoney was there for moral support

Here is the finished product! You cant tell much about the deatil on it but its kinda a white or creamy distressed wood with a little bit of blackish/brown showing through on the distressed parts. is a shot for those of you who dont get to see me very often...

Avery is growing like crazy! She weighs 2 lbs and 3 oz and we had a great doctors appt today. Dr. H told us heartbeat and measurements look great! The Lord has blessed us beyond belief and i thank Him everyday for not only Avery and her health but the fact that my pregnancy has been so easy for me. I know many people out there who have had hard things to go through and rough pregnancies, and im just so floored and humbled everyday that i am healthy and not having complications. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers over the past few months! love you all!

one last thing...someone told me Happy Mother's Day today and it was so weird! Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! You all are blessings!