
Saturday, September 11, 2010

1 Month!!

Yes, this post is a few days late but little miss turned one month old on Thursday!! We have been a little distracted with cousin Brooklyn and Aunt Ash in town so that is why we are late posting.

At 1 month Avery has already changed so much! Those first couple of weeks were crazy and emotional but now i feel like we have a good handle on life with our little addition. Everyday i am with her i love her more and i see new things about her. Here are a few things she is doing/likes at one month...
-She is over 10 lbs and 22 inches long
-She loves kisses
-Has good neck control
-Starting to Coo and make noises
-LOVES her bath
-LOVES her pacifier, or anything resembling it (pinkies, her arm, her fingers, anything really)
-She really likes studying faces
-She has good awake time during the day
-She has already slept through the night!! 10:30 pm - 6 am Let's just say i felt like a new woman that morning :)

Avery had a big week to celebrate her being in the world for 1 month. We went to Murfreesboro with Brooklyn, Ash, and Mom to go shopping at the amazing new outdoor mall there. [Side note...the Boro has changed people...its got great shopping that people need to be aware of, not to mention great baby stores :)] So, we went shopping, played, took pictures, played with Jesse and Levi, and ate alot of good food. I swear i may start looking like im pregnant again if i don't get my act together. It was a great week visiting with our Bham family and here are a few pictures to prove it.

Avie Cakes we love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1 month birthday, baby girl!! And way to go sleeping through the night! you are a rock star :)
