
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well yesterday marked Avery's 4th week of being in the world, and i was eager to do a 1 month blog but Jonas so kindly reminded me that she wasn't 4 months yesterday, she was just 4 weeks. :) Duh mind just works in 3 hour segments and weeks for some reason right now...can't think of why...

Oh yeah, thats right. We will have a one month blog post for little miss in 2 days though!

We have been having so much fun getting out of the house lately and getting Avery around to see people outside of the house. It has been so nice to have restaurants and an ice cream place at the top of our neighborhood and of course to have some friends that are so close by!

We went over to The Fuson's on Saturday and bought the UT vs. UTM game with them and grilled hotdogs, which i will have to say were some pretty good dogs...i normally hate hotdogs but these were exceptionally good going by the one bite i had of Jonas'. Must have been Chad's grill :)

It was so nice to get out of the house and hang with friends and of course it was an excuse for this little girl to sport one of her outfits she has been dying to wear.

 I'm so glad its football season! Saturday was probly one the funnest days we have had in awhile due to awesome weather, game day on ESPN and hanging with friends for the game. I LOVE fall and cant wait for the fall weather to permanently be here!

Also we went over to Joe and Deb's yesterday ( Labor Day) for some sun and to grill out with Uncle Jan and Aunt Lisa so that they could see Avery! It was a gorgeous day with a Colorado blue sky and awesome weather. We had so much fun hanging out with family and having some time to chill out by the pool.

Even her doggie cousins came to see her

Little Lady bug

We are so excited about this week too because not only is Avery one month old but Aunty Ash and cousin Brooklyn are here to play! Ash was in a wedding this past weekend in Jackson Hole, WY and her and Brookie fly back today and are staying for the rest of the week to play with us! Wahoo!
Happy Tuesday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. love the post. that picture of me and chad is awwwesome.. not. love you! glad yall could come. cant wait for the 25th!!!! eeheeeheeee!!!
