
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Avie's First Roadtrip

Last Saturday was well first off KATER'S BIRTHDAY (and not just any bday ladies and was her golden bday! 25 on the 25th!) and secondly it was Avery's first real roadtrip! We drove up early Saturday am to Center Hill lake and hung out at Kater's lakehouse all day. It was probly our most relaxing day we have had since August 9th. We sat around and enjoyed the beautiful house, food, awesome weather, football, and more food.
This was right before we killed the Fuson's in cornhole...orrr maybe it was the other way around

Avery did great and got to meet a friend, Rucker, who is Anne and Josh's little boy. He is 4 months old and is so stinkin cute! Him and Avery got to meet and get a few pictures before Avery had a meltdown...guess she isn't ready to hang with boys yet...just her cuz Brooklyn.

This picture was taken right before Avery's big blowout...into Jonas' hand i might add. Notice the way he is holding her...perfect angle and position for what happened next.  Being the cheapo that i am nowadays...I have been putting newborn diapers on Avery for the past few days when she has clearly moved up to size 1. I had moved on from newborn diapers (sigh) and was putting 1's on her until i found a huge case of newborns that we had overlooked. So during the day i have been putting newborns on her to use them up. Well Jonas had to pay for that idea. During the 2nd overtime of the UT game (awesome timing right?) Avery decided it was time to do her business and it ended up not only in Jonas' hand but on his shorts and her onesie. AND we had already been through the 3 diapers i had brought for the day. Now why i thought Avie would only need 3 diapers for a whole day is beyond thankfully Anne and Rucker stepped in and saved us with Rucker's diapers. Which we used 3 of because Avery coninued to go through them :) Hey at least her bowels work...gotta be thankful for that!

After a super depressing UT game, we played cornhole and layed around basically all day and had an aweosme bday dinner! Thanks to Chad and Kater for supplying our bday meal and for all the fun!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Becoming Social

So this morning i woke up to this face...

Ok, so this isnt the actual smile i saw when i woke up this is a reinactment of that smile. I have decided i need to have my camera around my neck all the time because you just never know when Avery is going to pop one of these out. She likes it when im super cheesy and in her face talking but it hurts my face to be super cheesy for very long, so i then resorted to animal noises and she loved that...

We had a great night last night! Avery slept from 8:30pm to 4:30am (ate) and then again until 8:15 this morning! We were trying a new schedule last night and Jonas and uncle Chad were in charge of implementing it. I got to have a night out with the girls at a sports bar. So yes, the women were at a sports bar and the men were stuck babysitting. I could get use to this parenthood thing. :)

Now with this picture you may be asking yourself...
1.)Why does this baby not have any clothes on?
2.) Why is she sitting on a kitchen towel in her bouncy seat?
Well this little tooter does have a diaper on but is sitting in her bouncy seat WITH a towel under her because she has decided that her bouncy seat is where she likes to get her business done. For two days in a row she pooped BIG time while sitting here. She got it all over her onesie and it went out the sides onto her lamby seat. Thankfully we can wash the lamby seat but it isnt easy to do, or is it easy to get a onesie off of her that has poop all over it. Thus the no clothes and kitchen towel.

Hope everyone is having a happy Friday! Yay for the weekend and football!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

1 Month!!

Yes, this post is a few days late but little miss turned one month old on Thursday!! We have been a little distracted with cousin Brooklyn and Aunt Ash in town so that is why we are late posting.

At 1 month Avery has already changed so much! Those first couple of weeks were crazy and emotional but now i feel like we have a good handle on life with our little addition. Everyday i am with her i love her more and i see new things about her. Here are a few things she is doing/likes at one month...
-She is over 10 lbs and 22 inches long
-She loves kisses
-Has good neck control
-Starting to Coo and make noises
-LOVES her bath
-LOVES her pacifier, or anything resembling it (pinkies, her arm, her fingers, anything really)
-She really likes studying faces
-She has good awake time during the day
-She has already slept through the night!! 10:30 pm - 6 am Let's just say i felt like a new woman that morning :)

Avery had a big week to celebrate her being in the world for 1 month. We went to Murfreesboro with Brooklyn, Ash, and Mom to go shopping at the amazing new outdoor mall there. [Side note...the Boro has changed people...its got great shopping that people need to be aware of, not to mention great baby stores :)] So, we went shopping, played, took pictures, played with Jesse and Levi, and ate alot of good food. I swear i may start looking like im pregnant again if i don't get my act together. It was a great week visiting with our Bham family and here are a few pictures to prove it.

Avie Cakes we love you!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well yesterday marked Avery's 4th week of being in the world, and i was eager to do a 1 month blog but Jonas so kindly reminded me that she wasn't 4 months yesterday, she was just 4 weeks. :) Duh mind just works in 3 hour segments and weeks for some reason right now...can't think of why...

Oh yeah, thats right. We will have a one month blog post for little miss in 2 days though!

We have been having so much fun getting out of the house lately and getting Avery around to see people outside of the house. It has been so nice to have restaurants and an ice cream place at the top of our neighborhood and of course to have some friends that are so close by!

We went over to The Fuson's on Saturday and bought the UT vs. UTM game with them and grilled hotdogs, which i will have to say were some pretty good dogs...i normally hate hotdogs but these were exceptionally good going by the one bite i had of Jonas'. Must have been Chad's grill :)

It was so nice to get out of the house and hang with friends and of course it was an excuse for this little girl to sport one of her outfits she has been dying to wear.

 I'm so glad its football season! Saturday was probly one the funnest days we have had in awhile due to awesome weather, game day on ESPN and hanging with friends for the game. I LOVE fall and cant wait for the fall weather to permanently be here!

Also we went over to Joe and Deb's yesterday ( Labor Day) for some sun and to grill out with Uncle Jan and Aunt Lisa so that they could see Avery! It was a gorgeous day with a Colorado blue sky and awesome weather. We had so much fun hanging out with family and having some time to chill out by the pool.

Even her doggie cousins came to see her

Little Lady bug

We are so excited about this week too because not only is Avery one month old but Aunty Ash and cousin Brooklyn are here to play! Ash was in a wedding this past weekend in Jackson Hole, WY and her and Brookie fly back today and are staying for the rest of the week to play with us! Wahoo!
Happy Tuesday everyone!