
Monday, December 6, 2010

I Got Nothin...

Sorry Kids, no fancy or creative title today...just thoughts...random thoughts...

So last Tuesday i went back to work for the first time since Avery was born and it definately was not as bad as i had thought it would be. I had a lot of people thinking about me and praying that day which i totally felt and am so thankful to all of you who did and called/texted me that day. It seems to silly to need prayer on an issue of going back to work but i think that was the only way i got through the day without having a mental explosion. I am so very lucky that i have my mom and my mother in law to keep Avery for us while we are both at work and i know i have it WAY better than a lot of moms who work, but still it was weird to be away from Avery. I had not been away from her like that since she was born, and i don't like the feeling of dependency that i have on our moms now. I have always been a pretty independent person and to now have to depend on our moms again, made me feel like i was in high school with a baby.  But we made it through and Avery did really well with it so here we come week two!

In other news...our neighbors probably think we are the biggest scrooges ever because we still don't have our Christmas lights up on our house. We just got our tree yesterday and decorated it last night but i am having the biggest case or procrastination this year with Christmas decor. I mean, with fall decorations ...i am always TOO early with those...i normally have pumpkins out and a wreath on my door by end of August, but for some reason this year i can not get my act together for Christmas.

I LOVE this old book Christmas tree idea...i got it from Real Simple magazine last month

This is one of my set of three Williams Sonoma cooking snowmen..i broke one of them when our tree fell over 2 years ago...RIP snowman with the mixer

We were slightly dissapointed with our Christmas tree this year. I think because our room has such tall ceilings that any tree we get looks dwarfish but this one is still kinda scrawny...or maybe because we have an insane amount of ornaments

No mantle for us, so we make due with our kitchen hutch...the red matches my dishes so perfectly, don't cha think? hah

Surfs up Santa from Key West

And today was little bits 4 month check-up and she is growing like a weed! She weighed 13lbs 8.5 oz and is 26 inches long. We got the green light on Rice cereal and baby foods so we will be starting that in the coming days. Avery has changed SO much is a picture montage of what she has been up to.


She's gunna be like her Aunty Ash suckin on thos two fingers!

Happy Monday everyone! Hope your week is fabulous! Only 19 more days til Christmas!


    1. agh-her cuteness kills me. SO proud of you for making it through week number one. you are superwoman.

    2. YAY!!! your house looks adorable! i LOVE that idea with the books too cute! avie is adorable more and more everyday!!! you are so lucky! love you

    3. i LOVE that she's sucking those two least she's got something like me :)
