
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Hey there! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a very busy weekend celebrating our first Thanksgiving with Avery. It was so fun but pretty stressful trying to cook, get a newborn ready for driving around all day, going to both family's houses, and eating so much yummy food. Oh and may i add stopping up our garbage disposal to that list...yep Jonas had to break away from the Macy's day parade and take apart our sink because i thought it would be a good idea to push all of my sweet potatoe skins down the drain at once...not.a.good.idea. but nonetheless we had a lot of fun and enjoyed every minute with family and being thankful for all that the Lord had done for our family this year.

We also celebrated these little guys 3rd birthday last week with all of the festivities. I can't believe that they are 3 years old. Its crazy what all has happened since they were born and how far they have come! Levi got a good report from the doctor last Monday about his airway so we were so thankful for that! We celebrated with a fire truck cake that me and Ash made for them. It wasn't glamorous but we thought it turned out pretty good!

And for the first time ever, me and Ash went out at 3 am on black Friday. We always made fun of the people that did that and we mainly just wanted to go out and see what all the craze was about. It was pretty rough at first but after we woke up it was pretty fun and we got TONS of stuff!

And last but not least, i would like to send a shout out to my best friend, Emily Sparks, who is soon to be Mrs. Emily Palmore!!! Her and Justin got engaged the day before Thanksgiving and they will be married next summer! Em was one of my bridemaids back when we got married and i cant wait to now be in her wedding! Congrats you two, we love you!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you willing woke up at 3am to go anywhere, but I'm sure you got tons of good stuff!! I need to see you guys soon and hold Avery before she gets any bigger!
