
Thursday, June 9, 2011

10 Months

So here we are in the double digits and im wracking my brain as to how we got here so fast. This little chickadee is growing up TOO fast. A lot of days i think "man i wish you could walk" or "i wish you could just talk and tell me what you need." In reality though on days like today when im reminiscing...i just dont want  her to grow up at all. I want her to stay this little and at this stage that she is in right now. I have loved every stage and this one right now has been by far the most fun.

Avery at 10 months you are...
  • still wearing size 3 diapers
  • you weigh around 22 or 23 lbs.
  • you are wearing 12 month clothing
  • your hair is getting really long, so long in fact that we had our first ponytail the other day
  • your eyes are the prettiest dark blue ive ever seen
  • you are babbling all the time, you can say ma ma and da da
  • you still love stoney but you care more about crawling up the stairs, which you do ALL the time
  • at the moment you love Adele's song, Rolling in the Deep...{one of my favorite things about you}
  • you still crawl with your 'stanky leg" :)
  • you are trying to walk when we hold your hands but you look more like Jack Sparrow cause you are still so wobbly
  • you eat anything and everything
  • you are still napping twice a day although i think you might be trying to cut out a nap somedays
  • you love the water
  • you have 4 teeth! and are working on two more at the moment
  • you are starting to be more always cuddle with daddy but you more so just like to laugh at me when i try to cuddle.
  • you are kinda obsessed with the 'Pick-a-Who" book and Grover's "Monster at the end of this book" book. I take the blame for the Grover book because i wanted you to be obsessed with it :)
Avery we love you to pieces and could not imagine our life without you. Thank you for always bringing me back down to earth with your smile.

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