
Monday, June 6, 2011

To the next 13 years...

Ahhhhhhh, you hear that?

What's that? You don't hear anything? 


No more Cicadas!!! Those pesky little guys are outta here, thank the Lord. For the past 4-6 weeks i have felt like a prisoner, purposefully not going to the mailbox until late at night, not laying out at the pool much, waking up  EXTRA early to water flowers, and not going on walks outside because of these crazy bug-eyed things. Whelp, its over and this morning as i was reading i realized i didn't have that annoying loud buzz outside my windows. i could finally hear the birds chirping again. 

sayonara toasting to the next 13 years and summers without you guys.


  1. i only had 48 hours with them and it was 48 too many. i'm glad they are gone!!! :)

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I was only around them for 24 hours last weekend, and it was ridiculous! They were literally attacking me on all sides...yuck!! So glad that they are gone!!
