
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tell me this isnt cute...


                                    I mean how stinkin cute is she!!! I miss my neice!

Classic Spann/Ray

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pants on the Ground

Lookin like a fool??? yeah i probly would be if it weren't for this little miracle cause there would be no way that i could have made it through the past month without this product. I had always heard about this little invention through my friend, Cherry, who just had  a baby and then my sister, Ash, who used it too when she was prego with Brooklyn. I kinda doubted that this little miracle would help me much when Ash sent it to me in December and i even had our friend, Gavin, try it out for me. Yes uncle Gavin took one for the team and tried it out. He didnt believe that it would hold up your pants. :) Which now i would give anything to have a picture of, but needless to say this little band of magic works wonders!Without it not only would my pants be "on the ground" but i would probly have to go out and spend a ton of money on maternity pants that i wont ever wear again until the next baby comes along.

anywho... Happy Tuesday!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More pictures...

Here are a few more pics from our friday night fun!

Grandparents to be!

Rochelle told me it would be a girl from day one and she was right! I dont knwo how she does it, well i do but i wont share on the blog what she has to know for her to know :)

aubs got me a girl and a boy gift :) I liked the boy one too though!

Auntie Em and Auntie Bird came too!

Cherry, i love this picture of you, it makes me smile :)

and this one does too...this was Lofton's reaction to a girl.

all the boys are so excited...

can't you tell?

Jonas and uncle Chad celebrated into the wee hours of Saturday morning. Avery feels so loved guys. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pretty in Pink

That's right! It's a GIRL!!!! We were so surprised because for some reason when we woke up on Friday morning we totally went into that ultrasound thinking boy and then at the very end of the ultrasound the lady told us it was a girl! We were so excited and couldnt believe that we were going to be parents of a sweet little girl. Everything meausured beautifully and little Avery is growing along right on schedule. We will have to scan in the ultrasound and upload it later so you can see her sweet profile, because she does have the sweetest little profile picture i guess its good she isnt a boy.

Later that day we had friends and family come over to reveal what the little monkey was going to be and we were so lucky to have some of my good friends from college coming in town for a wedding! I was so happy that they could be there and am so blessed by their friendship. So we had a mixture of those girls, our couple friends here in town, and family come over for the big reveal. I had booked it home on Friday form the appt to make some cupcakes that had pink icing in the middle, and we had everyone at the same time bite into their cupcakes! It was so fun and dad made a video that i will have to upload soon too. Thank you for all the prayers and messages you all sent us on Friday because it meant the world to us! We are truly blessed by our friends and family and are so happy to know this little girl will grow up with such wonderful people!

My beautiful friend Fanch got to come in town and swing by tobe apart of the celebration. We love her and missed her hubs this weekend!

Avery is already so blessed!

Auntie Katie and auntie Fanch got her the cutest shoes and weiner dog rattler!

Me and the hubs at Bonnie's wedding!

We havent gotten a picture of the 4 of us in forever! It was so good to all be together in the same city again! Love you guys!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Orleans and Baby News

This past weekend me and two of my friends from college(Aubs and Greer) went to New Orleans for the first time to visit our dear friend, Dana. Her and her husband, Warren, moved down there 2 years ago for him to get his MBA at Tulane, and believe it or not it took us 2 years to get our booties down there to see them! Their house was adoarble of course, and we had the best time shopping, eating, laughing, and seeing all there is to see in Nola. She took us to the French Quarter for beignets at the famous Cafe Du Monde, then shopping around Bourbon, shopping on magazine street, and then shopping in the Canal mall. We ate at awesome restaurants and loved every minutes of our time there with Dane! Sorry about no pictures but im banking on the three of them to tag me in some on facebook and as soon as they do i will post them!

Now onto Baby Frid, we find out this Friday what we are having! Pheobe or Pheobo! I can't wait and i have been counting down the days for this date for months. I just can't believe it is actually here, and we will know on friday whether we are having a little boy or girl! It's crazy how fast time flies when you are pregnant. We are having family and friends over on friday night to reveal what we are having, and i cant wait to see some of the people that will be here and to share the news with them! AND, i bought my first baby item...

Isn't he adorable! I couldnt resist and since i hadn't bought a thing yet, Jonas said it would be ok for me to start buying things. So he was my first purchase. Jonas liked him alot and responded with, "SO, is this going tobe like THE stuffed animal like his/her only one?" I'm sorry does he know who he married? Ohhhh Jonas...the things you will learn. Shortly after i bought the duck my mom bought this...

Another animal. This one sings and plays music. I gre up with tons of stuffed animals...the were like my best friends so of course this baby is going to have tons! :)

Mom also got this for us to kick off football season this year since we are having an August baby...

We may be able to get a couple of wears out of this one!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Update

Sorry for the delay in my posting, i know all 3 of you who read my blog have been dissapointed in me. :) But im back! And here is what has been going on...

Bird moved out a couple of weeks ago and moved across town to Opryland to live with her friend Dee. We miss her, especially Stoney because they would always hang out together during the days. But she has moved out so therefore we have been throwing stuff away, selling things on craigslist, and getting the nursery cleaned out! :) It has been hard to control myself from buying baby stuff but i didnt want to end up with just a ton of gender neutral things so i havent bought anything yet. So, we dont have any baby stuff to put in there except for some stuff our sweet friends and family have gotten us that is in the closet right now. Next on the list, is to clean our carpet upstairs because im pretty sure i could create a second Stoney if i tried with all the hair that we will suck up and clean.

We hung out with Brian and Rochelle and the boys on Sunday and had a lot of fun with them. They are growing like weeds and i feel like everytime i see them they are different! They have the best personalities and LOVE to eat with you. :) We introduced them to Pocahontas on Sunday and they really liked it i think. There were a few times the attention span was lost but for the most part they watched it and loved it! Brian left on Monday for the Domincan Republic to go down for a few days with some people at church. They are building 5 orphan homes where 5 couples will go and be foster parents for boys that will be inhabiting the homes when they are ready. So Brian is going down to be the translator for the group.

I think that baby Brooklyn is going to make her Nashville debut soon and i cant wait to see her again! Every day Ash will send me a picture of her and she looks so different from when she did a few weeks ago! Ash seems to be doing great and adjusting well and Brooklyn does too!

Well, tonight LOST is on again and i longingly await for Tuesday nights every week because of this show. It is so confusing but yet so awesome at the same time that you dont even care that you are completely lost in LOST. And also there is the weekly debates between Elliott, Chad, and Jonas that go on as to what their theories are for the show. And it seems like every week they are wrong or some of their theories are wrong within the first 2 minutes of teh show coming that is entertaining too. :)

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
