Ok so growing up i always called my brother "bud" and always said "hey bud" when i woudl see him and then it carried over to my cousins and so then i just started kind of saying it to everyone that walked by that i knew. Especially in college i said it an awful lot...dont really know why i did, but it was just easier than trying to quickly remember someone's name who obviously knew me and i couldnt remember who they were, and i just liked saying it for some odd reason. So my friends always laughed at me for saying it and some of their boyfriend always said, "Hey Eray called me bud today". So today is the last day i will say that due to the following story...
So here at Vandy we have crazys....i mean we get everyone and so today there was this crazy patient that i have had to help alot and he is in his mid 30's,single and ready to mingle,(if you know what im gettin at)and very very peculiar. So i walked by him today and said out of habit "Hey bud!" Well he apparently thought i said "Hey baby" because he told his physical therapist i had hit on him and he was going to ask me out. His therapist exaplained to him that he must be mistaken because i am married. But of course the patient was adament about it and just knew that i liked him. so not only now do i have this crazy patient following me around and talking to me at all time today but i also have the entire physical therapy staff thinking i like this guy...awesome. Well the PT came and talked to me and told me about it and so i got to clear my name finally. But then there is the patient that is like pining after me and how in the world do i tell him...dude i said BUD not BABY!!! So that is my crazy patient story for the day....i may keep you posted on this one :)