I can't believe it but this little girl is 3 months old today!
Time is flying by and we are loving and soaking up every minute of it with Avery. She has grown so much and seems to be doing something new everyday.
Avery, at 3 months you are...
-holding your head up like a pro
-beginning to enjoy your activity mat. I was determined to get you to like it and you are finally reaching for and pulling on the animals!
-you are talking and making new noises everyday
-you LOVE faces
-you LOVE music and people singing to you
-you tend to freak out if you dont have something moving in front of you or entertaining you( but i have realised i should love these moments you want me in front of your face because sooner or later youwont want me in your face, hah)
-you sleep from 8 pm to 8 am with no interruptions (hallelujah)
-you take 3 good naps during the day
-you are beginning to laugh out loud
-you have rolled over from your stomach to your back a few times
-you love your wubbanub
-you do great in the car
-you blow bubbles all the time with your spit and drool ALOT
-you love bathtime too!
Avers we love you and enjoy seeing you learn new things everyday. Happy 3 months baby girl! Thanks for making life different and entertaining everyday.