The past two weeks have been some of the most exciting and hardest times of our lives. Me and Jonas have learned more about our love for each other, God's love for us, and how to love a new addition to the family than we have in the past 15 years of knowing each other. We have had some hard nights that were all-nighters, some awesome nights where we slept 6 consecutive hours, have been peed and pooped on, spit up on, and cried together in the middle of Averys nursery at 4 am wondering what in the world to do next. Bringing a newborn into your life is seriously one of the most intense things a person will ever go through. You begin to realise just how selfish you are and how much God is going to teach you about yourself and your personality.
Last Sunday me and Jonas left and went to Cracker Barrel after a pretty good night with Avery, and despite the good night i was still pretty weepy and teary eyed not just because my hormones are crazy right now but also because i was realising many new things about myself. On our way to eat we saw a rainbow and it reminded me of God's promise to us. Not just his promise after the flood but his convenents and promises He made to us of His neverending love. He will never leave us or forsake us and He loves us unconditionally. Right then and there i realised that it was going to be ok. God loved me and He blessed me and trusts me with a little newborn to love unconditionally. It's weird because even after pulling all nighters you still love the little bundle, and it reminds me that no matter what we do, God ALWAYS loves us.
And don't think we have been doing the past two weeks alone either...Thanks to our amazing parents and friends we have had meals, errands run for us,and chores done for us everyday since we had Avery. We could not have made it through the past couple of weeks if it weren't for everyones prayers and thoughtful advice and phone calls.
Since we brought Avery home, we have realised that everyday truly does get better and better and we have learned so much about her already. She has changed so much too! She has the funniest facial expressions, noises that she makes, and smiles when she passes gas. :) Here are a few recent pictures of her since we brought her home! Thank you to everyone who has supported us beyond belief and encouraged us! We love you more than you will ever know!

hug that sweet avie for me and tell her aunty ash and her cuz are coming soon! we miss you and are so proud of you! you are doing great!
I love her. I want to hold her. And maybe steal her. Love you.
Love these new pics you put up and your post!! Please know we are all so proud of you guys!! I'm going to be calling you every minute when I have babies someday! Love you lots!! Auntie Katie can't wait to meet and hold that precious girl!!
Love the honesty. Love the realizations. But mostly, love the pic of chad and stoney.
Em- you all are amazing! I am soo proud of you all and it absolutely just takes my breath away when I think about you all being the incredible parents that God called you to be! You are living out his plan and its so beautiful! I love you friends and can't wait to meet your sweet girl!
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