Holy mackrel....these monthly milestones are really sneaking up on me. Miss Avie turned 7 months yesterday and man has she changed. Once she masters something she does it non stop and seems to progress fast to other things. We had a busy month with celebrating FarMor's, Brooklyn's, and Aunt Ashley's birthdays with two trips to Birmingham, and we just had 4 days with Brookie and Ash here in Nashville which was so fun and busy. I am pretty sure thats Brookie thinks of Avie as another dancing and singing Elmo, and probably vice/versa for Avie.
Avery is sitting up now like a champ and is beginning to try and reach for things and lunge towards things. She did push up on all fours once this past weekend and then proceeded to face plant onto the floor, but hey its progress! Im not sure if am ready for her to be mobile but it is fun watching her try.
Sorry for the lack of pictures lately but our home computer is so busted and so its hard to get on there and upload pictures...hopefully that will change soon.
Avery in your 7th month you are...
- sitting up really good and beginning to reach for things around you
- you have gotten up on all fours once and seem to be reaching for things like crazy
- you roll all over the place
- you are VERY vocal and love to talk to your animals, hands, and toys
- you LOVE the grocery store and talk to everyone who passes by
- you are eating so good and havent rejected anything we have given you yet (obviously you got this from yo momma)
- you cry with men you dont know...uncle Brian and uncle Chad seem to get this the most but you have done it with other guys too. Hopefully you will get out of this phase soon and then maybe pick it back up in high school :)
- you are wearing size 3 diapers
- no teeth yet but you are chewing on absolutely everything
- you sleep on your tummy quite a bit
- last time you were weighed you were at 18.4
- you dont get your spa days quite as much as you would prefer but its doctors orders, sorry kiddo
- you favorite song is Jingle Bells :)
- you continue to smile non stop and it continues to melt mine and daddys heart everytime!
Avery you are such a joy. You are my daily reminder of how faithful the Father is, and how much He loves us. On to month 8 and you becoming mobile!!!
these picture below are from my phone so excuse the blurriness but i wanted these documented because they just make me crack up.
Preaching to her puppy dog
at the grocery store, this was her first time in the shopping cart and she laughed the whole time.

1 comment:
We loved getting to spend so much time with you all!!!
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